Nichole D.
Albuquerque, New Mexico

I currently live in New Mexico with my boyfriend and beautiful daughter in The Retro Palace. I'm currently a student double-majoring in Cosmetology and Architectural Drafting. I spend what little free time I have knitting, crocheting, sewing, and almost any other project I have time for. I do occasionally eat and shower, but only if there is no knitting to be done.

SavingNine on Ravelry



Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Projects Update

I'm very proud to say that I've been making very good progress on my WIPs! Yesterday afternoon I finished the One Skein ruffle scarf:

One Skein Ruffle Scarf

I ended up only using one skein of the Knit Picks Wool of the Andes Bulky- I still have one left. I'm not sure if I want to make a matching hat, or do something completely different with it. I guess we'll see. I did a total of 15 repeats of the motif, instead of the recommended 8, and I'm happy with the length. now it just needs a bath!

I also made some great sock progress- look! I made a heel!


I actually knit another inch or so on the leg after I took this picture- I just wanted to show everyone my first heel! As much as I am annoyed by the short row heel and toe, I think I like the way it looks enough to put up with the small annoyances of it. I am going to try other toe-up heels at some point, though. The sock still fits well- I think my next pair I might make a tiny bit smaller, so the fit is nice and snug. Hopefully once I finish this one, I'll still be motivated to do the second one. I should- I really am excited to have a pair of hand knit socks!


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Comments on "Projects Update"


Blogger Queen Geek said ... (11:47 AM) : 

Wow, you are rocking on your WIPs. Congrats!

The scarf is very pretty (my favorite color) and the sock is so cute!!!!

Happy 4th!


Blogger Sarah said ... (12:56 PM) : 

Hi Nichole! I got the final package, obviously :D You know, I'd been to your site before (during sp10) but never guessed you were my pal! I'm off to photograph my lovely goodies! Thank you!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (7:33 PM) : 

your heel looks really good. Did you use the method straight from the Amy Swenson pattern?


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (6:47 PM) : 

Both look great! I particularly like that scarf. I am trying not to admit that crochet is holding more and more appeal for me...