Nichole D.
Albuquerque, New Mexico

I currently live in New Mexico with my boyfriend and beautiful daughter in The Retro Palace. I'm currently a student double-majoring in Cosmetology and Architectural Drafting. I spend what little free time I have knitting, crocheting, sewing, and almost any other project I have time for. I do occasionally eat and shower, but only if there is no knitting to be done.

SavingNine on Ravelry



Thursday, October 12, 2006

I'm Not an Addict, Baby.

That's a lie. I am. Malabrigo is my new favorite yarn. I know I've already illuminated all the glories of this yarn, so I will spare you my Malabrigo monologue. I really did love knitting with it, though, and my new favorite scarf is completed. The scarf is glorious. It is light as a feather, but warm and cuddly. I am so amazed that anything this soft could be pure wool. I am already searching for more, and will most likely order some online, as it seems no one in New Mexico sells it besides a store in Taos, which is over 100 miles from me. Thank goodness for online yarn stores! So, without further ado, here are some pictures of the scarf.

Malabrigo Scarf

And, for those of you that wonder (because I did) what the back of this looks like, her's a shot of that.

Malabrigo Scarf

And, of course, the obligatory close up shot. I really love this stich, and it is so easy to do! I really think that if you like to knit scarves, you should give this a try.
Malabrigo Scarf Close-up

so there you have it! If you know me and live in the state, I'm sure you'll see this scarf many, many times this winter, you lucky ducks!


Comments on "I'm Not an Addict, Baby."


Blogger Lauren said ... (5:58 PM) : 

Wow, that is really beautiful! Now I know what some of my stash will be used for! You did that really fast too.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (3:44 AM) : 

That's great looking yarn.


Blogger Autumn said ... (7:23 AM) : 

You did a great job- high quality yarn makes a difference! Kudos!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (8:56 AM) : 

Gorgeous yarn, I really love the colors! And that pattern goes great with the Malabrigo, really helps to show off the colors. Have you tried Manos? They stock that at Village Wools and I think it's pretty close to Malabrigo. Might help you get your fix :)


Blogger Queen Geek said ... (8:59 AM) : 

purdy and soft!!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (7:29 PM) : 

I just started Fetching in Malabrigo, and I want to go buy all that my LYS has! It's SO yummy! Great work on the scarf.