Nichole D.
Albuquerque, New Mexico

I currently live in New Mexico with my boyfriend and beautiful daughter in The Retro Palace. I'm currently a student double-majoring in Cosmetology and Architectural Drafting. I spend what little free time I have knitting, crocheting, sewing, and almost any other project I have time for. I do occasionally eat and shower, but only if there is no knitting to be done.

SavingNine on Ravelry



Friday, November 06, 2009

I'm thinking about taking a break from blogging. I know I have only been back in the blogging world for a short time, but I just feel like my blog is really... empty. The warmth and comfort I used to get from sharing, from being part of the online knitting community, from feeling like I had friends out there in this weird online world, all of that feels like it is gone now. I don't know.

I'll be heading out of town for the weekend and going up to Taos, and won't have any computer access. I'll be doing some old school blogging (aka journaling) if I decide I'm going to keep up this whole blogging business. Otherwise it should be a nice relaxing weekend in the mountains with my wonderful boyfriend and my daughter and my knitting. See you Monday. Maybe.

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