Nichole D.
Albuquerque, New Mexico

I currently live in New Mexico with my boyfriend and beautiful daughter in The Retro Palace. I'm currently a student double-majoring in Cosmetology and Architectural Drafting. I spend what little free time I have knitting, crocheting, sewing, and almost any other project I have time for. I do occasionally eat and shower, but only if there is no knitting to be done.

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Sunday, January 31, 2010

I Meant To...

I meant to take pictures of my current knitting today. I really did. The day went by too quickly once again, though, and now the light outside is too crappy to take photos. I will do it soon. Currently I am working on a scarf for my sister which is really cool and very interesting in its construction, as well as another scarf for myself in a beautiful yarn that I absolutely LOVE. I don't think I am working on anything else currently. Of course there are a pile of WIP's that I feel really guilty about. I should really be working on those. Also, trying to figure out what I want to do for the upcoming Ravelympics (basically knitting olympics, for those non-fibery people out there, or non-Ravelry users.)

Also, trying to work up the motivation to drastically change my eating habits. I am heavier than I ahve ever been, and I hate it. A few counseling sessions with the school psychologist last term at school also brought to the surface that there is a good possibility that I have an overeating type of eating disorder. Unfortunately, I can't really afford long-term therapy, so this is something I need to try to figure out on my own. Either way, I need to change how I eat. Same with the boyfriend- he is diabetic, and it is getting worse. So, tough changes need to be made. For now, though, I will continue to enjoy the fresh baked banana bread I made yesterday and try to ignore the fact that I am fat. Blegh.

Have a bunch of reading and a paper to write tonight after The Monsterette goes to bed. Going to have to do some catching up on homework this week. Just writing that I can feel the stress sinking in. Not really looking forward to the late night tonight, followed by an early morning and yet another Monday. Friday is disbursement day for financial aid as well as the day I am supposed to get my tax return, so things to look forward to, at least!

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Thursday, January 28, 2010

Friday Fill-Ins #161

1. Wouldn't it be easy to just ignore everything and do what you really want to do?
2. LOVE is better than ever!
3. I love the taste of cheesecake in the morning.
4. My "spot" is on the recliner, in the living room.
5. The first thing we're going to do is buy a Wii.
6.The annoying sound of drip, drip, drip; fix the leaky faucet or go crazy.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to sleeping without crazy back pain, tomorrow my plans include testing for a job, talking to an academic advisor, and getting started on my homework and Sunday, I want to just knit all day (in reality, though, will be doing more homework. Sigh!)


Bad Blogger. No Cookie.

It's amazing how quickly life can sweep you up in all of its craziness, and before you know it you've completely neglected the little things, like this blog. Life has definitely been crazy and hectic here, although maybe not as much as I think. I do still time to play stupid games on Facebook and peruse Ravelry for large chunks of time. So why not the blog?

I have been thinking about this blog. No longer the back and forth about whether or not I really want to continue blogging- I have definitely decided that I do. But more contemplation about what I want this blog to be. I have pretty much concluded that this blog is for ME. While I love having readers, love that sense of community, know that somewhere out there there are a few people that are pulling for me or interested in what I have to say, my main purpose for this blog is get the stuff out. I think I began this blog as a place to share and showcase my knitting, which I would still like to do. Knitting is still a big part of my life, and it brings me a lot of joy. Not to mention the wonderful things I have been able to create and the excellent friends that I have made through knitting.

Anyways, I think I would really like to be more candid here. Share more of my life, even the nitty gritty shit. Sometimes I just need to get things off of my chest, or share my joy with another person, even if that person doesn't really exist outside of my comment box. So, if you are a faithful reader, be prepared for more LIFE here. More stories. Definitely more rambling. There will still, of course, be knitting content. I really miss taking photos of my new yarn and knitting progress, sharing that stuff with everyone. Showing off, maybe. So there should be more content, knitting content included.

Ah, life. It has been a little crazy. School eats up a large chunk of my time. I'm taking five classes this term, all but one of I am really, truly enjoying. (The one I am not enjoying so much is Intro to Physics, and I mainly don't like it because a) I know pretty much everything we are learning already and b) my teacher does this weird nasally breathing thing that really gets on my nerves.) I am loving my Honors class, which is focusing on race, racism, culture, and societies. It is super interesting, and the whole class period is spent just having discussions. It is GREAT. I love to have intelligent discussions, so I really look forward to this class.

I am also take two history classes, one of them Western Civilization and one Architectural History. While both are straight lecture classes, I am really enjoying both of them. For me, that's kind of a big thing. I used to really hate history classes. I think as I have grown older I have more of an appreciation for other people's cultures, and learning about them is incredibly fascinating. I am debating now switching my major from Architecture to something in the anthropology field (anthropology is basically the study of humans.) I've always loved other cultures, been fascinated by their practices, and I think I would really enjoy majoring in it. There are some other factors playing into it, but it is something I have been giving serious thought to lately.

Anyways, school is keeping me busy. Lots of homework, more reading than I really think is possible, and lots of projects to think about. I do still squeeze in some time for knitting, and will definitely be sharing some of that with you guys soon.

Also been mulling over some goals for the year, and will hopefully be able to put those into writing and get working on them soon.

Enough rambling for one day, adios!

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Friday, January 15, 2010

Friday Fill-Ins #159

1. The lesson I learned yesterday was that good friends are priceless.
2.The kitchen is inevitably where friends and family meet.
3. All these years I have been a mom already- wow! What a crazy ride.
4.October 14th is when I arrived.
5. The truth is, I wish I had more time and energy to knit.
6. Monsterette's daycare recital is what I remember most from that day.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to avoiding my homework with Sims 3 and internet, tomorrow my plans include still avoiding my homework and maybe a trip to the park and Sunday, I want to watch playoffs and get that pesky homework finished!

More blogging soon. I swear.

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Friday, January 08, 2010

Friday Fill-Ins

1. There are places that I wish I were, but alas, I am not.
2. Some cuddling and hot chocolate would blow those clouds away.
3. Standing in the kitchen, doing dishes.
4. Classes start on Monday- oh boy.
5. He went out tiger hunting ended up tiger lunch.
6. I am not trying to keep my mind from wandering .
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to watching my latest netflix and knitting, tomorrow my plans include sleeping in and more knitting, and Sunday, I want to watch some playoffs with my wonderful boyfriend!


Thursday, January 07, 2010

Home Again, Home Again

Hello again, and happy new year! I hope everyone had a great holiday season. The Monsterette and I went on a cruise to Cozumel, Mexico with my family, and then headed up to Minnesota to spend more time with family and see some friends. We had a really great time exploring the Mayan ruins of Tulum, swimming in the ocean, sledding (Monsterette's first time!), staying up until midnight to ring in the new year, and relaxing with family. We also celebrated her fourth birthday- I can't believe how much she has grown! All in all, is was a great trip. It is good to be home and back in the arms of my dearest and settling into real life again. School starts again on Monday, so I have been getting myself ready for that. My books are purchased, my binder organized, and just a few things left to get from the bookstore before classes begin. I have to make the daycare arrangements, but otherwise I am planning on relaxing and enjoying my free time before my hectic schedule kicks into full swing. I have been thinking about my knitting goals for this year, as well as some personal goals. A lot of plans to be made, including planning a spring break vacation. Doc and I are thinking about going on a cruise to the Mexican Riviera, which would be a lot of fun. It was great to have some computer-free time, but it is nice to feel connected again. For now, though, I think I am going to go amuse myself with some Sims 3 while The Monsterette watches a movie.

How were your holidays? Do you do anything special this year?

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