Nichole D.
Albuquerque, New Mexico

I currently live in New Mexico with my boyfriend and beautiful daughter in The Retro Palace. I'm currently a student double-majoring in Cosmetology and Architectural Drafting. I spend what little free time I have knitting, crocheting, sewing, and almost any other project I have time for. I do occasionally eat and shower, but only if there is no knitting to be done.

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Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Depth of Field

Hi everyone! Only two more days until the Month of Posting begins! I've got a few ideas, so it should be fun this year. The Hubbster has also decided to do NaBloPoMo (which he keeps calling things like "nabluplomo") this year, as well! He has a really cool photo blog he does, and he does take some amazing pictures. So go check him out, say hi, and keep coming back if you like it!

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Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Helping Out

So, one of my fellow Bad Ass Knitters is in need of some of you lovely ladies to take a tiny little survey for some class or something (give me a break, it's early). Super short and easy! Go help! It's all anonymous, as well. Really, just go do it.


Friday, October 19, 2007

Almost November

Yes, it is. Only 13 more days, and it'll be the first of the month. Do you know what that means?! Well, here's a hint:

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Yessiree Bob, NaBloPoMo (National Blog Posting Month, fyi) time again! Once again, I'll be torturing committing myself to blog every day in the month of November. It was fun last year, wasn't it? Well, I had fun, anyways. Besides, it gives you all something to look forward to! I think this year there's going to be some stuff I want to try, or maybe not. I'm not making any promises or anything. Any suggestions? Things you'd like to see? Stories you'd like to hear? Let me know! this is the time of year when I get desperate for blog content! See you in all soon!

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Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Seven Things

So, since almost everyone in the blogosphere has done this, I figured it was my turn. Here's the rules:

1. Link the one who tagged you
2. Tell 7 truths about yourself, something funny/different
3. Tag 7 people at the end of the blog
4. Leave a message in their blog telling them that they have been tagged

I wasn't officially tagged, but the last blog I read with it was this one. So, here goes...

1. I'm left-handed. I'm the only person in my family besides a distant not-really-related (long story) step-brother who is. since I taught myself how to knit, I knit "left-handed". Basically, I knit a complete mirror image of the way a right-handed english knitter knits. It freaks out most of my knitting group.

2. I have very little self-control when it comes to goodies. I have a serious sweet tooth, and tend to over-indulge. I'm also the kind of person who "sneaks" treats.

3. I'm slightly obsessive-compulsive. Certain things have to be certain ways. When I go into bookstores, I make the stacks of books look pretty while I browse. I have a slight obsession with making things symmetrical. I alphabetize. I gt crazy if the icons on the desktop take up more than two rows. I like things to be lined up neatly.

4. On the completely opposite hand, I'm a messy person. I hate cleaning, and we live in borderline squalor most of the time. Thank god we don't get random guests.

5. I am completely obsessed with notecards. I love them. I don't know why, but almost every time I go to Michael's, they have them in the dollar bins- I almost always get at least a pack. I have tons of them. Seriously. I have to hide my new ones from the Hubbster because I'm ashamed. I do, however, use them, just not enough to truly justify the amount I have.

6. I'm a beauty school dropout. I do plan to go back, I'm so close to being able to get a cosmetology license. I don't think that it is what I want to do with my life anymore, though. I just can't justify that incredibly huge loan I'm paying off without having something to show for it.

7. I absolutely hated the color pink, until I was preggers with my daughter. Now it's one of my favorite colors- I wear it, I knit with it, I buy things because they are pink. Weird, huh?

Alright. I'm not going to tag anyone, because I hate doing that. If you want to do it, feel free.

In other news, The Clap is almost completely finished! The knitting is done, all eight million ends are woven in- now I just need to find time to block it. I'm so in love! Pictures soon, I promise!

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