Nichole D.
Albuquerque, New Mexico

I currently live in New Mexico with my boyfriend and beautiful daughter in The Retro Palace. I'm currently a student double-majoring in Cosmetology and Architectural Drafting. I spend what little free time I have knitting, crocheting, sewing, and almost any other project I have time for. I do occasionally eat and shower, but only if there is no knitting to be done.

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Sunday, July 30, 2006

Saving Hope at Saving Nine

Okay, dear readers, this is a serious one. Every Sunday, I go to check out the new post over at Post Secret. Sometimes they're a little depressing, but I think that it is an important project, and I love that it is an outlet for those people who have secrets they can't share with anyone around them, but need to share them anyway. I'm sure almost all of us have one of those secrets. Post Secret is a big advocate for the hopeline, because it has helped many of the people who come to the site or send in their secrets. I think that this suicide help line is a wonderful thing, and that it really is an important thing to have around for those people desperately reaching out for help when they are at the end of their rope. The government has been trying to take away the confidentiality of callers, and has also withdrawn already promised funds from the help line. I urge everyone to click the button below and just read what they have to say and sign the petition. It may not effect you now, but you never know when it could be the one thing that saves the life of a loved one or friend.

Help Save 1.800.SUICIDE


Blog Makeover


Well, folks, here is the new and improved blog! I hope everyone likes it. If you don't, well, you can suck it, because I've put a good 15 hours of work into this. I have to thank a few cool people for the background and the font- you can check them out in the box at the bottom of the right side. I really like what I ahve going on here, and I think it will stay this way for a while. Let me know what you think, and if you ahve any issues with links or anytihng like that. Okay? Okay.

In other news, our regualrly scheduled gaming session was a bit different tonight- we finished up our last game and are kind of in limbo at the moment. Tonight was one of those fun board game nights. I am quite proud to say that I am the reigning Scrabble Master! I won by a mere 3 points, and contribute my success to the words hex, pyre, yu, and lah. I couldn't have done it without you! Wish you could've been there, Erin, to bask in my glory! *wink*

Friday James and I decided to try somewhere new for lunch, so we went to Saggio's. Let me tell you, if you live in Albuquerque, you NEED TO GO. It is that simple. The food is amazing Italian cuisine- from gourmet pizza to giant calzones to custom-made lasagna. They sell pizza by the (gigantic) slice as weel, and had some sinful looking desserts (which we were to stuffed to try-next time!). Not quite sit-down, but not quite fast food either. If you've been to The Frontier Restaurant, it is exactly like that. Actually, it is directly across the street. Check it out! YUM!

Current knitting is making slow progress, but I seem to need a little breather after I finish something, even if it is a measly little bag. I'm planning to pick up the needles again here this week, though. I'm really just enjoying my weekend hanging out with my man. I've also been still mildly busy with the Favorite Color Swap, trying to sort out people who haven't heard from their pals yet, et cetera. I'm glad the insanity of making matches and sending a gazillion emails is over, though, and I have some treats in store for my pal that I think she will love! Now just to get started on them.

signing off now- I really should get to bed!

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Tuesday, July 25, 2006

All Things Purple

Alrighty! I have been a bit of slacker for this whole Project Spectrum thing, but not this month! The color this month is purple, and frankly, I'm on a roll! Let's start, not with knits, but with my purchase this weekend:

New Dice

That's right, folks. Dice. And not just your basic ol' six-sider, either. Why the hell would I buy dice, you ask? I asked myself the same thing. Actually, it for very nerdy reasons I have purchased not one, but TWO, sets of dice. A few months ago I decided to start "gaming" with James and our friends, mostly not wanting to be left out and desperately craving social interactions. Now, this is like the sit-around-and-make-stuff-up gaming, not like board games. Although we do that occasionally too. This is more the Dungeons and Dragons, nerdy style gaming. Although we played something much cooler. My character died bacause she was mauled by a zombie werewolf. That is cool. Okay, okay. Maybe not.By purchasing my first dice, I may have become a little more nerdy. I realize this. I did manage to pick the prettiest, girliest dice in the store, though. And they are purple. To offset the nerdiness with even more girliness, I decided I was going to knit the frilliest, girliest, cutest dice bag ever seen. Voila!

Dice Bag

My dice bag.I used Caron Simply Soft in a nice shade of lavender. To match my dice, of course! I knit it on size 6 needles in stockinette stitch. On the bottom I did two single rows of garter stitch about 4 rows apart to add a little pizzaz. On the top is an eyelet row without the decreases (to add to frilliness) and I ended with a picot-edge bind off. I used a plain white ribbon to tie it off, and there you have it! The frilliest, girliest dice bag ever known to man! Here is a better picture of the top.

Dice Bag Open

The finished bag is 4 inches across and about 5 1/2 inches high. For those of you so inclined to make little bags, I can esily type up the pattern. It is easily customized to make the size of bag you would like, too! I think off the basic pattern, one could have a lot of fun with adding little details, using different colors, et cetera. Let me know if you want the pattern and I'll email it to you.

In more purple news, here is a picture of the Short Row Ribbed Scarf I'm working on at the moment. I really like the pattern- it is so simple, but makes for a really interesting scarf. I'll definitely be making more of these!

Short Row Scarf

So there you have it, folks. All kinds of purple-y goodness. Enjoy!!

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Sunday, July 23, 2006

Favorite Color Swap Questionnaire

Alrighty. Here is my questionnaire for the Favorite Color Swap. Have fun, my secret pal! *winkie winkie*

Favorite Color Swap Questionnaire

1. What are your top three favorite colors?
orange, pink, red (not in any order there)

2. What crafts do you really enjoy?
knitting, crocheting, sewing, pretty much almost any artsy crafty type project.

3. What products do you really covet?
Amy Butler type fabrics, These knitting needles, any yarn that is soft and pretty

4. What other activities do you enjoy besides your favorite crafty things?
I spend a lot of time chasing after my daughter, but when I'm not doing that or something
crafty, I like to spend time with friends, read, or just plain relax with a good cup of tea or a hot bath.

5. Is there anything you collect?
I collect shot glasses from places I visit, and those pennies that you put in machines and squish an image on them. Lame, I know.

6. What is your zodiac sign and/or Chinese zodiac symbol?
Libra. Chinese year of the Rat.

7.What are your favorite…

I like light, flowery smells, fruity smells. Pretty much anything light and "clean" or that reminds me of goodies, like chocolate or blueberry mufins.

…types of music and/or bands?
I really like a lot of music, but TOOL is my favorite band. I'll listen to al ot of differnt stuff, though.

Joyce Carol Oates, Neil Gaiman, Terry Pratchett

I know it's technically an insect, but defiinitely butterflies.

…places to shop?,, WAL-MART, Hobby Lobby

Winter. I absolutely love the crisp, cool air and Christmas is definitely my favorite time of year. I *heart* christmas ornaments.

…yarn/fabric/paper/other craft supplies?
I love any yarn that is soft and pretty. One of my favorites is Lion Brand Homespun.

…candies or goodies?
Truffles. Anything Gummy. Chocolate. Peanut Butter.

8. Do you have any wish lists?

9. Are you allergic to anything?
Just one form of antibiotic, but I highly doubt that is relevant to this swap. At least, I hope it isn't.

10. Do you have any pets? What are they?
We have 4 mice, one little lizard, and one hermit crab.

11. Please include anything else you would like your secret pal to know about you- anything that would be helpful in finding you little gifts that you will really enjoy.
I am highly addicted to notecards and would like to try and assemble a kit to make my own. I also have a thing for fun magnets. Oh, and stationery. I would like to try to make Temari Balls someday. I really do love anything artsy crafty, or anything that resembles such items. I love to find cool things and find stuff to do with it.

Good luck and have fun, Secret Pal!

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Pictures and Stuff

Things have been going pretty good. I drove the car on real roads with real traffic this weekend and didn't kill us. I'm getting more used to driving the stick shift, although I don't really like it. Maybe once I get used to it, I'll like driving more, but at the time being it just feels like it is too much to do just to drive. One good thing about not driving, though, it extra knitting time! Once we get some batteries charged for the new camera, I'll have some good knitting pictures and a few other goodies for you! Yep, I got us a new digital camera. Well, technically it was James' birthday present that we opened early (his birthday isn't for a few more weeks.) It's a Fujifilm Finepix E510, if you were wondering. It's reeealy nice and I got an amazing deal on Ebay. So yaay for that!

Okay everyone, here are a couple of the pictures from our little excursion last weekend. Enjoy!

Ooops! Mexico!

Yuccas at White Sands

White Sands

White Sands

White Sands

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Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Good Things Part 2

Hello there! I was holding out for some pictures, but we're having some technical difficulties with that, so you'll just have to use your imagination. On to the good things...

James and I got a car last Friday- a nice one even! It's a 2003 Kia Spectra. Very basic- no frills besides a cd player- not even automatic locks or windows. But we got an excellent deal on it. Only issue is, it's a stick shift, which I have never driven. James has been giving me lessons, but I still can't quite get the hang of it- I've only had one emotional breakdown, though, which is a good sign that I am progressing nicely! I'm really glad we can put the whole stolen car thing behind us and even come out ahead- I guess it was a bit of a blessing in disguise, although, a pretty fucked up way to start a blessing. Anyhoo.

With our new car and a little extra cash, James and I decided to take a little road trip. It started out innocently enough- just a little drive south of Albuquerque, an area of the state I really have never seen before. We ended up driving a few hours south, and spending the night in Las Cruces which is about 4-ish hours from Albuquerque. We decided the next morning to make a quick run over to El Paso, Texas to buy some clove cigarettes before we headed homewards . Long story short, driving around in the city a little lost for a while, we somehow ended up across the border in Mexico. Oopsie. It was a bit interesting, but we didn't spend much time there. When we get ahold of the pictures, I will show the loverly areas we visited!! (I know it's hard to tell by just reading my typing, but that was positively dripping with sarcasm.) We safely got back into the good ol' U S of A and started to head north. A little ways up the freeway we stopped at the White Sands Missle Range Museum- basically a little stop with a lot of cool missiles and things of that nature. A little further up, and we stopped at the White Sands National Monument. It was absolutely GEORGOUS. It was sand, as far as the eye could see- just like in the deserts you see in movies- except it was white as snow. And not that dirty side-if-the-road plowed snow, like freshly fallen, powdery soft snow. I was absolutely amazed, and so was James. I even stole some of the sand, even though your not supposed to. We will definitely be going back there someday, and if you live in New Mexico, you need to go see it of you haven't! It will blow your effin' mind, folks. BOOM. We then pretty much just drove home- but it was a really fun little vacation with some much needed relaxation and all that. I promise I'll have pictures of it up soon!

I started to knit something purple, too, for Project Spectrum. It's the Short Row Scarf, and I'm knitting it with some Lion Brand Homespun. I know, it's acrylic stuff, but I am far from a yarn-snob (hard to be when your poor) and it's soft and pretty! Anyways, I really like the pattern- it's an easy knit but gives a boring old scarf some pizzaz.

Hmmm... I think that's it for good news. Joie is getting her second tiny little tooth in, and driving her mad, which in turn drives me mad. Hopefully this will all be over soon. At least for a little while, I hope.

Yaay new car, and Viva Mexico!!!

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Thursday, July 13, 2006

Hey! Look! "Gullible" is written on your ceiling!

Okay. I just need to vent a bit here for a moment. It really frustrates me when I find people who send emails or write blog posts or what have you that include urban legends. For expample, the "Bill Gates is giving money to everyone who tests this beta program!" or "don't ever call this area code bacause they'll charge you over $2k a minute!" scams. Even worse are people who believe the make money form home crap. I mean, who pays someone else to give them a job? I've had one work from home job, folks, and I didn't pay them. They paid me. The most I had to do was fax them a bunch of paperwork. And no, I won't tell the world what the job was, if you know me well enough to as me in email, I'll probably tell you. Or you might already know. Anyways, I'm getting off track here. It really does not take much work to look up on the internet what is a scam and what isn't. So before you go off freaking out about how your cousin's brother's girlfriend's dad's ex-wife's grandma's husband was charged a gagillion dollars because he talked on the phone with some lady after calling an 809 number, do a quick Google of the situation before you make yourself look like an ass. Thank you.

***note: I still love you all, even the silly gullible ones. So I hope I didn't offend anyone out there. This wasn't targeted at anyone, and the ones who REALLY piss me off are the scammers themselves. Just don't believe everything you hear, folks.***


Wednesday, July 12, 2006

I'm Excited!

Yes I am. I'm excited to be geting a new car in two days. It will be really nice to finally have a nice car that we own and all that jazz. It has really sucked trying to deal with life without a car. And although the rental is swanky, it'll be nice to have something that we own. This'll be the first newer car that James and I have owned. I'll be ahppy to put all of this behind us, too. Life was really screwed up having the car stolen. I hope it never happens again, and I hope it never happens to any of you. It really does fuck things up. At least things worked out well and we will be able to put this whole mess behind us and come out of it with a better car than the crappy 1991 Toyota Camry.

I'm REALLY excited about the swap I started! I already have 7 people who have signed up today. I'm hoping to get around 50. It is hard work, though- I have to keep the blog updated, and today I made a spreadsheet to keep track of everyone and made the questionnaires that will be sent to people once the matches are made. Then, of course, will be the challenge of matching everyone up with a good partner and sending everyone emails with the info they need. After that, though, the going gets pretty easy- I just have to track who has sent and recieved packages, and then dole out any prizes. I really like swaps, and I know a lot of other people do too, so hopefully this will be a success. Go check it out- I think it will be a lot of fun! I mean, who doesn't like to get goodies in the mail?

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Tuesday, July 11, 2006

150 Things Meme

Here's a fun meme. I've put in bold everything that I've done.

01. Bought everyone in the bar a drink
02. Swam with wild dolphins
03. Climbed a mountain
04. Taken a Ferrari for a test drive
05. Been inside the Great Pyramid
06. Held a tarantula
07. Taken a candlelit bath with someone
08. Said ‘I love you’ and meant it
09. Hugged a tree
10. Bungee jumped

11. Visited Paris
12. Watched a lightning storm at sea
13. Stayed up all night long and saw the sun rise
14. Seen the Northern Lights
15. Gone to a huge sports game

16. Walked the stairs to the top of the leaning Tower of Pisa
17. Grown and eaten your own vegetables
18. Touched an iceberg
19. Slept under the stars
20. Changed a baby’s diaper

21. Taken a trip in a hot air balloon
22. Watched a meteor shower
23. Gotten drunk on champagne
24. Given more than you can afford to charity
25. Looked up at the night sky through a telescope
26. Had an uncontrollable giggling fit at the worst possible moment
27. Had a food fight

28. Bet on a winning horse
29. Asked out a stranger
30. Had a snowball fight
31. Screamed as loudly as you possibly can
32. Held a lamb

33. Seen a total eclipse
34. Ridden a roller coaster
35. Hit a home run
36. Danced like a fool and not cared who was looking

37. Adopted an accent for an entire day
38. Actually felt happy about your life, even for just a moment
39. Had two hard drives for your computer

40. Visited all 50 states
41. Taken care of someone who was drunk
42. Had amazing friends

43. Danced with a stranger in a foreign country
44. Watched wild whales
45. Stolen a sign
46. Backpacked in Europe
47. Taken a road-trip
48. Gone rock climbing
49. Midnight walk on the beach

50. Gone sky diving
51. Visited Ireland
52. Been heartbroken longer then you were actually in love
53. In a restaurant, sat at a stranger’s table and had a meal with them
54. Visited Japan
55. Milked a cow
56. Alphabetized your cds
57. Pretended to be a superhero
58. Sung karaoke
59. Lounged around in bed all day

60. Posed nude in front of strangers
61. Gone scuba diving
62. Kissed in the rain
63. Played in the mud
64. Played in the rain
65. Gone to a drive-in theater

66. Visited the Great Wall of China
67. Started a business
68. Fallen in love and not had your heart broken
69. Toured ancient sites
70. Taken a martial arts class
71. Played D&D for more than 6 hours straight
72. Gotten married
73. Been in a movie
74. Crashed a party
75. Gotten divorced
76. Gone without food for 5 days
77. Made cookies from scratch
78. Won first prize in a costume contest
79. Ridden a gondola in Venice
80. Gotten a tattoo
81. Rafted the Snake River
82. Been on television news programs as an “expert”
83. Got flowers for no reason
84. Performed on stage
85. Been to Las Vegas
86. Recorded music
87. Eaten shark
88. Had a one-night stand
89. Gone to Thailand
90. Bought a house
91. Been in a combat zone
92. Buried one of your parents
93. Been on a cruise ship
94. Spoken more than one language fluently
95. Performed in Rocky Horror.
96. Raised children.
97. Followed your favorite band/singer on tour
98. Created and named your own constellation of stars
99. Taken an exotic bicycle tour in a foreign country
100. Picked up and moved to another city to just start over
101. Walked the Golden Gate Bridge
102. Sang loudly in the car, and didn’t stop when you knew someone was looking
103. Had plastic surgery
104. Survived an illness that you shouldn’t have survived
105. Wrote articles for a large publication
106. Lost over 100 pounds
107. Held someone while they were having a flashback
108. Piloted an airplane
109. Petted a stingray
110. Broken someone’s heart

111. Helped an animal give birth
112. Won money on a T.V. game show
113. Broken a bone
114. Gone on an African photo safari
115. Had a body part of yours below the neck pierced
116. Fired a rifle, shotgun, or pistol
117. Eaten mushrooms that were gathered in the wild
118. Ridden a horse

119. Had major surgery
120. Had a snake as a pet
121. Hiked to the bottom of the Grand Canyon
122. Slept for more than 30 hours over the course of 48 hours
123. Visited more foreign countries than Canada
124. Visited all 7 continents
125. Taken a canoe trip that lasted more than 2 days
126. Eaten kangaroo meat
127. Eaten sushi
128. Had your picture in the newspaper
129. Changed someone’s mind about something you care deeply about
130. Gone back to school
131. Parasailed
132. Petted a cockroach
133. Eaten fried green tomatoes
134. Read The Iliad - and the Odyssey
135. Selected one “important” author who you missed in school, and read
136. Killed and prepared an animal for eating
137. Skipped all your school reunions
138. Communicated with someone without sharing a common spoken language
139. Been elected to public office
140. Written your own computer language
141. Thought to yourself that you’re living your dream
142. Had to put someone you love into hospice care
143. Built your own PC from parts
144. Sold your own artwork to someone who didn’t know you
145. Had a booth at a street fair
146: Dyed your hair
147: Been a DJ
148: Shaved your head
149: Caused a car accident
150: Saved someone’s life

In case you were wondering, there were 54 I've done. Not bad for only being 21! How many have you done?

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Good Things

I finished reading Ender's Game and I absolutely loved this book. It is wonderfully written, and the story flows so beautifully that there is no good time to put this book down. I will definitely be reading more Orson Scott Card. I would recommend this book to anyone who even remotely likes science fiction- I'm not a huge fan of the genre myself, but I couldn't put this book down. I think it would be great for kids in their early teens, too, so if you have or know a child of this age, you should get it for them to read. I just need to get myself to the library so I can stock up on more books!

Well, James and I made a purchase that we have wanted for a while. Although it isn't quite a car, we really enjoy it, and there's nothing like a little retail therapy, right? So here she is, in all her shiny glory:

grill closed

grill open

And here it is, cooking up dinner:

cooking dinner

And viola! It was muy delicioso!


And now for the really really exciting news!! I've started a swap! So go here, check it out, snag a groovy button, and tell all of your friends! Oh, and don't forget to sign up. :) I'm really excited about all of this, and I hope it will be successful. Let me know what you think, and don't forget to tell your friends!!

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Monday, July 10, 2006

Oh, the drama...

Alrighty folks, here's an update comin' atcha! Still no news on the stolen car. Although things are starting to finally look up- both James and I were able to borrow money from family, and it looks like we should be able to get a pretty decent car this weekend. At the moment we are really enjoying the swanky rental car. All this positiveness and happy times did not come easily though, folks- here is that story.

Last week James took the commuter bus to stay in Santa Fe Monday to Thursday so he could work. Well, he really wanted to come home Thursday evening, but wasn't sure how it work out, since where the commuter bus drops him off here in town was pretty much the end of line- no way to get home from there besides hoofing it, and that is quite a walk for a tired, hard working man (well, probably for most people, but especially a tired, hard working man). Well, that morning, James' aunt Maria contacted us and said her daughter's neighbor, this sweet little old lady, was selling a decent car for only $850! It was in really good condition, she only used it to get around town, blah blah blah. The plus side was that even after getting that car, we would have enough left over to still get a decent car. Two cars would be a dream for us- I would love to have a way to get around town while James is at work. So we decide to go for it. James is really busy at work, and of course, I'm here in Albuquerque (about 50 miles away for you non- NM'ers). Well, he has to find a way to meet her at the Motor Vehicle Department to sign over the title, because she has all of her possessions in a trust and can't just sell stuff. So he works extra hard to finish all of his stuff and gets over there just in time. He likes the car, so he takes it, gets the title and insurance and everything worked out, and comes home. we picked up a carseat for Joie from his cousin, so that night we decided to go out for a bit of a celebratory dinner. Well, long story short, on the way home from dinner, the transmission slips. Next day we take to Aamco, and they tell us it needs to be rebuilt, plus the torque converter needs to be replaced- all in all over $2000 worth of repairs. Not to mention we won't have the car for days. After freaking out for a bit, we decide it isn't worth it to fix it (duh) and spent the rest of the weekend trying to figure out what the hell to do. In the end, we got our money back, and we junked the car for the sweet little old lady. It sure has been hell, though. Hopefully the next car will last us a bit longer! Thanks everyone for your well wishes and kind words, too- it really helps to know ya got friends when your down on your luck.


Tuesday, July 04, 2006

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly.

Alright, folks. it has been a few days, and there is abundant amounts of news. Let's get this party started....


I'm happily making progress on my Fuzzy feet- the first of the two is almost completed! I'm surprised at how quickly these are knitting up. I'm excited to finish them and wear them around, even if it is over 90 degrees outside. I really love the yarn and hope that it looks as beautiful once it is felted. I think I might make a few pairs of these for Christmas gifts.

I finished reading The Wee Free Men and then started A Hat Full of Sky . I finished that one too. I really loved them both, they were so wonderfully written and I laughed a lot. They were quick to read and I could barely put them down. It makes me want to read more Terry Pratchett! I just started reading Ender's Game yesterday, and I'm almost halfway through that one too. I'm surprised at how quickly I have been devouring books lately! I really need to get myself to the library-my stash of unread books is quickly dwindling.


Joie has been a bit of a terror lately. She's dealing with the new tooth coming in, then her shots, and the last two days she has been feverish and just crabby. I understand- it is never fun being sick, and I'm sure it's even more crappy when you can't communicate your needs or help yourself. I just try to cuddle her lots and give her extra love and kisses and keep her comfy. Hopefully she is better soon.


*I'm warning you now that there may be some anger and profanity here. Please excuse me. I think most of you will understand where it comes from in a minute.*

So, Friday night, James and I went grocery shopping, came home around 8:30, and settled in for the evening. Saturday is a lazy day for us, so it wasn't until around 2 in the afternoon that James was going to go get some gas for our weekly excursion to Santa Fe Saturday evenings. He walks out the door, and a few minutes later, returns.

"Um, the car is gone."

"What do you mean the car is gone?!"

"It's just not there."

I'm calm, or feigning it well at this point. My brain says, oh, the apartment people must have towed it accidentally. So I calmly call the office, ask if they towed any cars last evening or this morning. They said no, and that they give a good warning if they do. Yes, my friends, my crappy little 1990 Toyota Camry was stolen. At this point I break down and cry while I call 911 to get an officer here to file a report. I keep crying a while. And then cry some more. And then I'm pissed. I mean, what kind of asshole takes someone's car? ESPECIALLY one that obviously belongs to a family?!? Did the carseat and baby shades not make it obvious?! I mean what kind of gigantic fucker does this to people? Okay. So it's gone. Well, it's Saturday. James has to go to work on Monday. James commutes 50 miles to work. How the hell is he getting there? What was that, honey? you can take the commuter bus and spend the week there? Okay, I guess we have to do what we have to do, even when it really sucks ass. Wait, what? your brand new $170 dollar work boots are in the car? Shit. Oh well, we'll figure it out. Well, what about the Fourth of July? It's Joie's first! We were going to go to see the fireworks and all that jazz. But noo, some fucking prick stole our car. Now I din't even get to see my husband today, much less fireworks. I can't take Joie anywhere unless I'm walking, because the carseat base is in the car. I'm out of fucking toilet paper. SOME DICKWAD STOLE MY CAR. I'm so pissed, you guys. Pissed and hurt and violated. This so fucks up our life at the moment. I really really hope they catch this asshole and he goes to jail. Or he crashes MY car and dies in it. FUCKER. So now I'm just sitting at home with my sick baby, knowing I don't get to see my husband until Thursday or Friday. Life sure is GRAND.

Have a Happy Fourth, everyone. At least I hope it is better than mine.

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Saturday, July 01, 2006

I Should Be...

Sleeping. Notice the time of post here? That's right, folks. It is nearing 3 am. Why the hell am I still up? Well, I was playing video games, and it got late. I figured, "well, why sleep when Joie will be up soon to eat? I'll just wait it out." So she woke up. I fed her and read some blogs. And now she's asleep. And I am not. And the air is cranked up really high thanks to James but I don't want to turn it down in case he wakes up saying it is too hot. I need to make some pumpkin and banana bread tomorrow. Er, today. But later. I think the mixer might disturb neighbors and other household members. Yep. Just me and our pet miceys. At least they are meant to be up at this time. Hmmm. I don't really want to play more video games. I want to go to sleeeeep. I wish you could all see the typographical nightmare that this is pre-editing. I should leave it...mwahahahaha.. Anyways. I have too much to do tomorrow to be awake. I took Joie for her 6 month check up- she is doing good. I also went and got some pampering sone in the form of a hair trim and a new color- 7NG- not that that means anything to almost anyone out there. It's a warmish medium brown. Almost chocolatey. It's nice to not be so blond anymore. Moo. Yes, I mooed. Why? because I am really tied. But I think typing is annying the baby, so off I go! I apologize for any pain this blog may have caused you. I really shouldn't do this this late. Or early. Whatev. "YOU ARE A BUFFET OF MANLINESS!"
