Nichole D.
Albuquerque, New Mexico

I currently live in New Mexico with my boyfriend and beautiful daughter in The Retro Palace. I'm currently a student double-majoring in Cosmetology and Architectural Drafting. I spend what little free time I have knitting, crocheting, sewing, and almost any other project I have time for. I do occasionally eat and shower, but only if there is no knitting to be done.

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Thursday, June 21, 2007


Forgive me Knit Gods, for I have sinned. It has been two weeks since my last yarn purchase.

Yes, my fiber child. Please, tell me your sins.

I have not been honest with my works in progress. I have many poor, forgotten projects on the needles. Some days I forget they even exist.

I see. Do you have anything else to confess?

Well, yes... I finally got into Ravelry yesterday, and had a bit of stash envy while looking around.

Ah, I understand. That is to be expected. Anything else you would like to say?

No, I think that's it, Fiber Father.

Alright, well, here is your penance. You must confess your works in progress, as well as keep good track of them, where all can see. It is not something to bring you shame, but to motivate you to give some needed love to long-neglected projects. Also, there will be no starting of a similar project until the one in the works is completed. That is all. Your fiber sins have been absolved- go and spread the word of superwash wool and cashmere blends!

Thank you, Fiber Father!


Ah, glad I got that off my chest! As you can see, I've got a few works in progress over there in my swanky new sidebar! The sock, of course it the most recent. Progress is slowly being made, but my focus right now is finishing the scarf for my secret pal. I also have a skull illusion scarf on the needles for the Hubbster, which has been long neglected. The scribble lace wrap is a red one, done with some Lion Brand Homespun and crochet cotton- my plan was to finish it so I could use it around Christmas, but the deadline became unrealistic, and it has been sitting there for a while without a new stitch knit since last year. I'd really like to try to finish this one while red is still in the color triad for Project Spectrum- I think it is totally doable. Lst, but not least, is the crochet cravat from One Skein, made with some light blue Wool of the Andes Bulky. I'm doing tons of extra repeats to make it a long cushy scarf, hence why it's taken me so long. since I started it during the blue part of Project Spectrum (three or so months ago), I'd also like to get that finished before the triad switches again! Hopefully I can get some of these things off the needles so I can cast on for some new projects.

if anyone is having issues with the new blog, let me know please- this has only been tested in Firefox.

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Wednesday, June 20, 2007


I finally got my invite to Ravelry! I've been so jealous, reading all about it's glory on other people's blogs, patiently waiting for my turn. Well, the time is here! Once the Monsterette goes down for her morning nap, I'm sure I'll be glued to my computer. I've tested the waters a bit and am absolutely giddy with excitement! With my weird passion for organizing things, this is going to be a little slice of heaven for me. Who cares that I haven't folded the three loads of clean laundry in the bedroom, or that we have house guests arriving this evening and there's dirty dishes on the counter and baby toys strewn throughout the apartment? Not me! It's Ravelry! I can super-organize everything related to my fiber addiction! WOO HOO!

p.s. Sorry to rub it in if you haven't been invited yet. I know it sucks, but damn I'm excited!

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Monday, June 18, 2007

Random Things Meme

Alright, I know I'm one of the last people in blog world to do this meme, but at least I'm getting around to it! I was tagged by Jennifer, but her blog seems to have randomly disappeared. (Jennifer, if your out there, leave me a new blog link!) Here you go- some random facts about me.

1.I'm currently a beauty school dropout. I'll be finishing someday, though!

2. I currently have nine tattoos. I'd love to have more, though! A whopping five of them are butterflies. Maybe someday I'll get the Hubbster to take some pictures of them to share with you guys!

3. I hated the color pink until I got pregnant with my daughter. Now, it's one of my favorite colors. I think this is a sign she'll be a girly girl!

4. One my favorite movies of all time is The Little Mermaid. I still get teary eyed when I watch it.

5. My biggest fear is falling backwards. I've gotten better- I don't scream and cry every time I get even close to falling backwards anymore!

6. I went bungee jumping once. I couldn't let go at the top. The instructor up there with me had to push me off- I still had fun, even if it was terrifying!

7. I have the weirdest middle name. No, I'm not going to share it with you! It was my Great-Grandmother's name, so I've come to terms with it, but when I was younger, I absolutely hated it. I still don't like telling people.

Alright, I know I'm supposed to tag people to do this, but I really can't bring myself to do it, plus I don't know if I could find seven people who haven't done it. But hey, if you haven't, feel free to consider yourself tagged!

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Tuesday, June 12, 2007


I know- I haven't blogged in almost a month! I'm sorry, guys. I'm extra sorry that this is such a lame post- just thought I would let everyone know that I'm still alive. Life has been so crazy! Not much knitting has been going on, but I need to finish the scarf I'm knitting for my final SP package. The sock has made some progress, and I've been working on the crochet scarf I started a few months ago for the Project Spectrum blue month. I'm trying to catch up, finish some UFO's that have been sitting around way too long, and get a start on some Christmas knitting. I promise there will be a less lame post in the next week.
