Nichole D.
Albuquerque, New Mexico

I currently live in New Mexico with my boyfriend and beautiful daughter in The Retro Palace. I'm currently a student double-majoring in Cosmetology and Architectural Drafting. I spend what little free time I have knitting, crocheting, sewing, and almost any other project I have time for. I do occasionally eat and shower, but only if there is no knitting to be done.

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Percentage Bars

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Saturday, May 31, 2008

May 31st, 2008

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May 31st, 2008


Friday, May 30, 2008

May 30th, 2008

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May 30th, 2008


Thursday, May 29, 2008

May 29th, 2008

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May 29th, 2008


Wednesday, May 28, 2008

May 28th, 2008

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May 28th, 2008- Part 1

May 28th, 2008, Part 2


Tuesday, May 27, 2008

May 27th, 2008

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May 27th, 2008


Monday, May 26, 2008

May 26th, 2008

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May 26th, 2008


Sunday, May 25, 2008

May 25th, 2008

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May 25th, 2008


Saturday, May 24, 2008

May 24th, 2008

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May 24th, 2008


Friday, May 23, 2008

May 23rd, 2008

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May 23rd, 2008


Thursday, May 22, 2008

May 22nd, 2008

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May 22nd, 2008


Wednesday, May 21, 2008

In Minnesota

Yay, I'm here! The flight in to Minnesota went great, and the Monsterette was wonderful. I'm exhausted, but happy to be here!

I'm not sure if I'll be able to get on every day and blog, but when I don't, I'll write them down for y'all. I'll be sure to have lots of fun lounging by the pool and hanging out with the family. Hope you ll have a good weekend!

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Tuesday, May 20, 2008


I once again, in a dazed stupor, forgot to publish the post I wrote earlier. Sorry. It was lame anyways. Vacation tomorrow, woo!

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Monday, May 19, 2008

I Know...

That I promised a good blog today. But, uh, it's not happening. today was a little hectic. I did finish most of the sewing, though. so yay! (Erin, I bet you're glad to hear this!) The Hubbster makes a damn fine monk, if you ask me.

I'm not making any promises tonight, but tomorrow I'll really try to have a decent post. Pictures and all.


Sunday, May 18, 2008

No Time...

To blog tonight. I'm busy doing crazy shit, like sewing an entire outfit for the Hubbster, for an SCA event next weekend. Yes, I leave for Minnesota very early on Wednesday morning. No, I'm not even thinking about packing yet. I promise it'll be much less lame tomorrow. PROMISE.

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Saturday, May 17, 2008

Because I'm a Lazy Blogger

more cat pictures

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Friday, May 16, 2008

Fuck You, Blogger

Apparently, Blogger decided to suck my real post for today into the ether, never to be seen again. Fuckers. I'll try to recreate it tomorrow, because it's too late to now.


Thursday, May 15, 2008

Rainy Day

It's a cold, cloudy, rainy day here in the 'burque, otherwise I would've taken pictures of my souvenir yarn! I did, however, get all my vacation blog posts up. Here's the list, if you want to go check them out:

May 8th, 2008

May 9th, 2008
May 10th, 2008
May 11th, 2008
May 12th, 2008

In other news, I finished my first Jaywalker, and it fits like a dream! I'll have to take pictures of that when the sun comes out, too. Hmmm, maybe I'll go see how pictures turn out. Meh, maybe I'll just cast on something new. We'll see. At any rate, I'll see you tomorrow!


Wednesday, May 14, 2008

I've Been Tagged!

TAG ABC's of you. Each player then tags 3 people and posts their names, then go to their blogs and leaves them a comment, letting them know that they have been tagged and asking them to read your blog.

A- Attached or single: Attached
B- Best Friend: The Hubbster
C-Cake or Pie: Hmmm. Depends on the choices!
D-Day: Tuesday- especially knitting with the girls!
E- Essential Item: A pad of paper and pen. You never know when you'll need to write something down!
F- Favorite Color: Pink
G-Gummi Bears or Worms: Bears
H-Home town: East Bethel, Minnesota
I- Indulgences: Chocolate! Cadbury Dairy Milk, to be specific.
J- January or July?: July
K-Kids: Just the Monsterette- she's great!
L-Life is incomplete without: Family
M- Marriage Date: December 1st, 2006
N- Number of Siblings: two- a younger bother and a younger sister.
O- Oranges or Apples: Oranges
P- Phobias or Fears: Falling backwards
Q- Quote: "How singular is the thing called pleasure, and how curiously related to pain, which might be thought to be the opposite of it; For they are never present to a man at the same instant, and yet he who pursues either is generally compelled to take the other." --Plato
R- Reason To Smile: The Monsterette's laugh. I LIVE for that sound.
S- Season: Spring
T- Tag Three: Tag! your it!
U- Unknown fact about me: We have pet hermit crabs.
V- Vegetarian or Oppressor of Animals: Bring on the burgers!
W- Worst Habit: Smoking
Y-Your favorite food: Hmmm... Chicken Tikka Masala for now.
Z: Zodiac Sign: Libra

I promise that tomorrow I'll put up my vacation blog posts!

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Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Ten on Tuesday

We're back! The trip was good, but more on that later. I'll try to start getting blog posts from the trip up soon. For now, you get my Ten on Tuesday!

Ten Things I'm Really Good At

1. Knitting! I like to think I'm a pretty bitchin' knitter. More to learn, though!
2. Driving. Especially for long periods of time. Learned that this weekend!
3. Being a mom.
4. Cribbage
5. Cutting hair. I went to school for this, but I don't have a license yet.
6. Making coffee. Not just coffee in the morning, but all those awesome drinks you get at a coffee shop. I had one guy tell me I made the best bone-dry cappuccino he ever had.
7. Organizing things. I may not be a great cleaner, but I rock the organization.
8. Listening.
9. Putting things together. You know all that crap you buy from the store in a box, and you open it and pour out all the parts? I love that stuff!
10. Amateur photography. I know I'm not great, but I think I'm a step above a lot pf the point-and-shooters out there.

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Monday, May 12, 2008

May 12th, 2008

Tetons 2

Tetons 1

Cabin on the River


Sunday, May 11, 2008

May 11th, 2008

(I did write this one, but the handwriting is horrible, and hardly legible, even for me. And I'm the one who wrote it! Here's what I can make of my scribbles. )

May 11, 2008
11:40 PM

We're at a rest stop, and I've been driving since about two this afternoon. We left Wyoming this morning about 11. I think we're somewhere in Utah, but can't be too sure. Joie barfed today. Right after my mother's day dinner at the Sizzler in Provo. Anywho, I'm tired, and need to pee. I'm going to keep driving. Tomorrow's "blog" is just going to be vacation pictures, so don't get too excited. Sleeeeeeepy.


Saturday, May 10, 2008

May 10th, 2008

May 10th, 2008

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Friday, May 09, 2008

May 9th, 2008

May 9th, 2008

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Thursday, May 08, 2008

May 8th, 2008

May 8th, 2008

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Wednesday, May 07, 2008


No time to properly blog today, too much to do! I'm about to head up to Santa Fe, get the Hubbster, and then we'll be on the road. Wish us luck, and if you're the prayin' type, pray for us to have a safe journey. Thanks guys, I'll miss ya, see you on Monday or Tuesday! MWAH!

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Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Ten on Tuesday

Ten Placed I'd Love to Travel to (That I Haven't Gone to Yet)

1. Canada- Toronto and BC, mostly.
2. Hawaii
3. Ireland
4. Australia
5. Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival
6. Seattle, Washington
7. Yellowstone National Park is Wyoming
8. England
9. Paris, France
10. Alaska

I have soooo many more places I want to go! Maybe another time. See you tomorrow!

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Monday, May 05, 2008

Getting Ready

Today was supposed to be my "running errands and getting crap" stage of road trip planning, but alas. The car was dead again. So, instead, I sat on my ass and worked on my sock. Which was nice, but that means tomorrow has become both "running errands and getting crap" day, as well as "start packing crap" day. Wednesday evening is when we're leaving, so that's "pick up the rental car" day, and most likely "finish packing and panic" day. Aren't road trips fun?!

I did, to my great joy, find a yarn store that is in the wee little mountain town that we will be staying at. Look! I'm excited, mostly because souvenir yarn doesn't count towards the stash. Neither does sock yarn, so if I get sock yarn, it's like it actually reduces my stash! Right? RIGHT?! Yep. Thought you would agree.

So, just for those of you who can't wait to read my blog every day, from Thursday until Monday, there will be no blogging here. I'm planning to take a journal (ooooh, must add that to the "crap to pack" list!) and do some old-fashioned blogging, like I did here and here, but a little classier. I'll post them the same way when I get back, too. I think. We'll see about that.

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Sunday, May 04, 2008

Didn't Even Break a Nail.

Today was quite a productive day! Hubbster, Monsterette, and I went shopping for wedding clothes (not ours- my sister-in-laws), and we're all done there besides a shirt for the Hubbster. He picked up a new video game, we browsed around Target and picked up some things, stopped at Sonic for lunch, and came home.

After that, Monsterette took a nap, and I tackled replacing the five spark plugs I didn't change last time. Now, usually this isn't a big deal, and would take half an hour. With our DOHC, though, I need to take off the intake to get to the back three. Kind of a pain in the ass, and it takes a few hours. But, I did it, the car seems happier, and I didn't even break a nail. Go me! sometimes it's nice to feel like an empowered woman and work on the car. (Hubbster HATES doing that kind of shit.)

ADDED BONUS!! The stupid beeotch that lives upstairs moved out today. WOO! She was so frickin' annoying. Gah. I'm so glad we won't have to deal with her anymore!

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Saturday, May 03, 2008


I'm sure you all have been waiting on bated breath for a Jaywalker progress picture, so without further ado, here it is:

Desert Jaywalker Progress- end of gusset decreases

I've just completed the gusset decreases. Woo! It's coming along nicely, don't you think? I still love the colors, they definitely remind me of New Mexico.

So, here I am, about to start the foot, and I'm having a dilemma. I'm not really sure how long the foot should be. Last time I knit socks, I misjudged this horribly. So, fellow sock knitters, How do you get your magic number for foot length? Where do you measure from on the sock? Where do you measure from on your foot? What the HELL am I supposed to do?!

Ahem. Sorry.

Side note: Thanks to those of you that left me well wishes when I wasn't feeling well! I feel all better now, and I can only believe that you guys sending good juju my way is what did it. Thanks friends!

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Friday, May 02, 2008

Because I Didn't Take Sock Pictures Today, Either...

humorous pictures
see more crazy cat pics

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Thursday, May 01, 2008


I totally feel like crap today. On top of that, when I went to go to the store, the car was dead. Double crap. So, yeah. I've spent most of the day lounging around and napping, and working on my sock. I realized when I finished the cuff (where I had planned to stop, and start the second one) that I should have wound the bell into two separate balls first. Uh, duh. So, I'm just cranking away on sock number one. Otherwise it would've meant breaking yarn and mismatched stripes and all that crap. This pattern isn't so bad, though, and hopefully I'll be able to avoid the Second Sock Syndrome. Jeez, I hope it fits. Tomorrow I'll try to take some progress pictures for you guys! I feel kind of bad blogging about knitting with no pictures!

Off to go lounge and knit some more. See ya tomorrow, of course.

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