I Can't
Get enough of this guy. He rocks my world. Labels: all about me, Check This Out, random |
Nichole D.
Albuquerque, New Mexico
I currently live in New Mexico with my boyfriend
and beautiful daughter in The Retro Palace. I'm currently a student double-majoring in Cosmetology and Architectural Drafting. I spend what little free time I have knitting, crocheting, sewing, and almost any other project I have time for. I do occasionally eat and shower,
but only if there is no knitting to be done.
SavingNine on Ravelry
Malabrigo Scribbles Scarf
(Ravelry Project Page)
Stuffed Bunny (March Project Spectrum)
Joie's Wrap Dress (April Project Spectrum)
Dice Bag (July Project Spectrum)
Wheelie (August Project Spectrum)
Malabrigo "My So-Called Scarf"
James' Malabrigo Scarf (Feb/March Project Spectrum 2.0)
Curvy Stripes Scarf (April/May Project Spectrum 2.0)
Ten Superstitions, Traditions, and/or Personality Quirks 1. I can't read/listen to more than one book at a time, no matter how different. I'll always get plot points and characters mixed up. 2. I sort my colored candies (M&M's, Skittles, jelly beans) and will eat them either in order of least to most by color, or least favorite to most favorite. 3. When I shower, I do everything in a specific order. 4. I'm convinced that being preggers with a girl is the only reason I like pink so much now. 5. If I get a new CD, I first listen to the beginning of all the songs, then listen to the CD all the way through. 6. I'm not very neat, but I am extremely organized. I like things to be categorized or in some kind of specific order. 7. In relation to number six, I hate when there is more than one row of icons on my computer desktop. The Hubbster gets kind of crabby, because I'll move things around all the time. 8. I love to roll change by hand. 9. I have a bit of an obsession with symmetry. It's really hard to take into account that balance in things does not always mean it's symmetrical. 10. When I go into book stores, I can't help but straighten out stacks and shelves of books so they look neat. I'm not sure if this comes from working in a book store, or if it's just me being crazy. Yeah, I'm a little obsessive-compulsive. Can you tell? Labels: all about me, memelicious, Ten on Tuesday |
I'm going to be honest here- I've been avoiding blogging all day. The sad thing is, I have some great blog fodder, but none of it is bloggable now. For instance, the really ugly vintage wool that my grandma sent me, that turned out beautiful with an overdye. I'd blog about it, but the pictures came out like crap, and I don't feel like taking more today. or the super cute thingy I've made, but is all hush hush right now. GAWD, I want to show SOMEONE! It is so cute it makes my heart hurt a little every time I see it. Geez, i suck at keeping things secret! So, yes, not much to say today. I promise, though, that at some point in the future, both of these things will be blogged about. Someday. Maybe. We'll see. |
I've gotten a good start on my list! Cleaning out my pantry, this is what I discovered, crammed tightly into the bottom half:![]() Yeah. Crazy, I know. I have a gigantic bag of bags in the closet, in addition to these, as well. I've been saving all these bags because I hate to throw them away, and have had some grand plans to make plastic yarn and fabric for reusable shopping bags. IT WILL HAPPEN SOON. No more bag collecting! Coming soon: Making some ugly yarn pretty! Labels: random |
Alright. That time is upon us, and I have some serious cleaning and organizing to do. This list is more for my own organization, but I thought you guys might be interested in how filthy and unorganized our humble abode is. I can hopefully do at least one thing on the list a day, and it should only take me until December or so to get the spring cleaning done! Woo! KITCHEN - Move the stove and fridge, sweep and mop underneath. - - Clean out the fridge. - - Clean out the cabinet above the sink. BEDROOM - Get a handle on the laundry! - Figure out what in the closet hasn't been used since we moved in, and get rid of it. - Throw out unpaired and worn out socks. - Clean the windowsill and blinds. - Edge vacuuming. - Finally take the bags for Goodwill to Goodwill. They are doing nobody any good sitting in the closet. BATHROOM - - Scrub the floor. - Scrub the tub and shower walls. - Caulk around the tub to keep the ants out. (Gross, I know. At least they stay in the bathroom.) LIVING ROOM - Clean out and organize that one weird cabinet. - Organize the knitting/craft cubby. - Get a handle on the stash- no more buying yarn!! - Figure out how to make the carpets look less dirty. - Sand and paint the coffee table (okay, not really cleaning, but something I REALLY want to do!) - Clean the blinds. BALCONY - Throw out any junk. - Make room in the closet to store the tools. - Vacuum the outdoor carpeting. I think that's pretty much everything. Sigh. I should get cleaning. Labels: all about me, bitchin', random, stress |
Well, hopefully the third time is a charm. This is my third attempt to successfully knit socks. It's not the technique of knitting them that's an issue- it's the sizing. This time, though, I think I'm on track. I swatched for gauge, and my gauge is much tighter than what is recommended for the pattern. However, If I knit the size up from my size, it should work out perfectly! I did put the sock on some waste yarn last night to try it on, and it fits perfectly so far. We'll see how it goes, but I sure am hoping it works well, because I have too much sock yarn to not knit socks with. Here's a progress picture: The yarn is some Austerman Step, which has been really nice to knit with. It's really soft! I love the colors- they remind me of New Mexico, with the desert and the bright blue skies. It's kind of fun to see a new color after the long color repeats, too. Keep your fingers crossed for me guys! Labels: knitting |
Not really sure, once again, what to blog about today. The computer and Blogger and kind of pissing me off right now, so this should be short and sweet. I should have taken pictures earlier when the light was good, to show you my nearly-complete Campfire Scarf- all the knitting is done, just need to weave in ends and find some buttons! Luckily, I have quite a few months before it'll be cold enough to wear it. In other crafty news, I've been crocheting quite a bit, too. Kind of hush-hush stuff, so that's all I'm going to say right now. I started a sock last night, too! I decided to go with the Jaywalkers, since it seems to be a good starter pattern, and it has sizes, and one of them is mine! Woo! There's a wee bit of craziness with it, but that's a story for another day. Alright, I'm sick of sitting here already. See you tomorrow! |
Ten Things I Love About My Life 1. Being a mom. The Mosterette is a great kid. 2. My husband. He really is a great guy. 3. Having awesome friends. 4. Crafty endeavors, like knitting and spinning and sewing. 5. Being blessed with a wonderful family- my mom, sister, brother, dad, etc. 6. My knitting gals at the weekly Sn'B. 7. My adventurous spirit- and the fact that the Hubbster has it, too. 8. The awesome people I've met through blogs and Ravelry. 9. The every day things that may seem mundane, like doing the dishes and laundry and cleaning. I may not love doing them, but I'm really grateful that we have the means for me to be a stay-at-home mom. Part of me loves being a "housewife". 10. Those few precious moments of total silence in the house, when I can take a nap, read a book, or knit in peace. These moments help me maintain sanity. Labels: all about me, memelicious, Ten on Tuesday |
I decided to walk down to the apartment office while Mosterette was napping to get some card thingy for our new washers and dryers in the community laundry room. I walked in and the awesome lady behind the desk asked me if I had a package. (apparently, between far-away relatives and obscene amounts of interwebs ordering, I get a lot of packages.) I said I didn't think I had a package, and she said, " (insert last my last name here), right?" "Uh, yeah..." "I'm pretty sure there's a box for you back here..." She wanders into the package closet, and comes out with a box for me! It's too small to be the box that my grandma sent me (full of YARN! More on that at another date, though), so it MUST be the box from my Favorite Color Swap pal! SQUEE! I rushed back to the apartment, and tried to calm my nerves enough to take a picture before tearing in to everything: The card was super cute, and had a great little message from Tami inside: ![]() After reading the card, I carefully took out the tissue paper and folded it up (yes, I'm one of those people. I save tissue paper and re-use it.), and this is what I saw: ![]() I immediately went for the roving, pulled it out, and fondled it a bit before moving on to the TON of other goodies. It's such awesome roving! I need to spin more... Oh, and I don't now if you guys can tell, but all the goodies were wrapped in this great stitched paper. I tried really hard to save it, but then I got all crazy and paper was a-flyin' in all directions. There was so much goodness in that box! It really made me smile. Here's the first round of goodies: ![]() From the bottom left: A bath puff, flower pen, reed diffuser (I've been lusting after one of these FOREVER. How'd you know, Tami?!), orange bell pepper cutting board, note cards (WOOT!), photo frame, yummy orange popsicle scented lotion, bath salts (with bergamot! One of my favorite scents!), and a little felt watering can and maracas for the Monsterette. (Which, by the way, she TOTALLY loves. anyone who knows my kid knows she loves to make "music".) Are you overwhelmed yet? Because at this point, I was! Can you believe there's more? Again, from the bottom left: Awesome stitch markers, star-shaped post-its, Cadbury dairy Milk chocolate bar (my all-time favorite chocolate. EVER. Oddly, one of the bars she sent didn't make it to the photo shoot. Hmm.), The awesome roving, SWTC Bamboo yarn (I've been wanting to try this stuff forever!), Panda Wool sock yarn (isn't is gorgeous?! I've been wanting to try this, too!), orange point protectors, and a Critter container that I've been lusting after for a while. The other thing that didn't make it into the photo (I was browsing though it while I ate my chocolate bar) was the Favorite Socks: 25 Timeless Designs from Interweave book. This ROCKS! This should definitely jump-start my sock knitting. I've been lusting after sock books for a while, but couldn't justify it, never knitting a pair of successful socks. Oh. My. God. Seriously, this was one awesome package. Tami, you totally rock! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! Labels: Check This Out, FCS3, fiber p0rn, swaps, yarn p0rn |
A nice, lazy Sunday today. I spent the morning reading blogs and playing on Ravelry, as usual. Took a nice long afternoon nap, worked a bit on a dishcloth, Hubbster and I finished off the bowl of Pudell-O after dinner. A nice distraction from the stress and anxiety of real life lately. There's a few new things in the Etsy shop, including some new stitch markers and a knitting needle key chain, which I love! I need to make one for myself soon. I might try to make myself one of those cool row counter bracelets tonight. Such a cool idea! That's about it for today...time to curl up on the couch and watch a movie! Labels: random, shameless self-promotion |
Every big family dinner we ate over at Grandma's included this magical bowl of goodness. It was always served with dinner, as a side. It was a creamy, citrusy concoction that was almost reminiscent of a Dreamsicle. For years, I thought my grandma had just invented this delectable dessert, and that all kinds of love, magic, and special ingredients went into it. Little did I know it was just some Jell-O, pudding, and Cool Whip. I made some last night, and although different from Grandma's, it's still delicious. Here's her basic recipe: INGREDIENTS 1 Box of orange gelatin 1 Box of lemon pudding (cook & serve, NOT instant!) 1 Tub of Cool Whip DIRECTIONS In a large bowl (needs to hold at least 6 cups), prepare Jell-O according to package, but use 3/4 cup of water (both hot and cold) instead of 1 cup. Put aside. Prepare pudding as directed on package. Pour into the bowl with the Jell-O and stir until completely mixed. Put in fridge and let set for a few hours, until firm. When ready to serve, spoon into bowls, and top with a dollop of Cool Whip. Alternatively, you can spread the Cool Whip over the top, while it's in the bowl, and serve it with dinner. Last night, I strayed from the tried-and-true recipe of Grandma's, and decided to use cherry Jell-O and chocolate pudding. It's still delicious, and much more decadent. I also got some vanilla pudding and peach Jell-O. Hubbster also suggested banana cream pudding and strawberry Jell-O. The possibilities are practically endless! I'd love to know if you make this, and what flavors you use! Labels: all about me, family, holidays, recipes |
Here's a little meme that I stole from Erin. Let me know if you do this one, too! 1. WITNESS PROTECTION NAME: (Mother and Father's middle name): Ann Mark 2. NASCAR NAME: (first name of your mother's dad, father's dad): Ralph Arnold 3. STAR WARS NAME: (the first 3 letters of your last name, first 2 letters of your first name): Downi 4. DETECTIVE NAME: (favorite color, favorite animal!): Pink Butterfly 5. SOAP OPERA NAME: (middle name, city where you were born): Goldie Forest Lake 6. SUPERHERO NAME: (2nd fav color, fav drink, add "THE" to the beginning): The Orange Iced Tea 7. FLY NAME: (first 2 letters of 1st name, last 3 letters of your last name): Niing 8. GANGSTA NAME: ( fav ice cream flavor, fav cookie): Mint Chocolate Chip Snickerdoodle 9. ROCK STAR NAME: (current pets name, current street name): Shellie Osuna 10. STRIPPER NAME: (name of your fav perfume/cologne, fav candy): Chanel Cherry Cordial 11. PORN NAME: (1st pets name, street you grew up on): Sheba Radisson Hee, that was kind of fun. Labels: all about me, memelicious |
I don't really know what to blog about today. I suppose I could mention that my downstream swap pal for FCS3 got her package, and wrote a great, heartfelt post about it. Or, I could blog about these cool needle felted sculptures that Erin found and shared with me... Oh! Maybe I could blog about the fact I've finally gotten motivated to pick up the needles again, and did a few rows on the Campfire Neckwarmer. Nah... Maybe I'll come up with something good for tomorrow. Labels: Check This Out, FCS3, knitting |
Yep, another Ten on Tuesday, on Wednesday. Here is my list of my Ten Favorite Movie comedies, in no particular order. 1. Monty Python and the Holy Grail 2. The Simpsons Movie 3. Finding Nemo 4. What About Bob? 5. Drop Dead Gorgeous 6. The Big Tease 7. The Princess Bride 8. Napoleon Dynamite 9. South Park: Bigger, Longer, and Uncut 10. Liar, Liar Labels: all about me, memelicious, Ten on Tuesday |
I'm tired, sore, and sunburned. today was pretty crappy. Hope tomorrow goes better. Off to bed. Labels: random |
Yesterday, I planted flowers in the boxes and pot on my balcony. Flowers make me happy. Labels: all about me, PS: Elements, random |
Since I'm not blogging about what I wanted to blog about today, here's a list of some of my favorite things, and things that made me giggle around the internets lately. Enjoy! Marble Magnet Tutorial Bagsket tutorial Transparent Tape Image Transfer His Nemesisis is Thomas Kinkaid (This made me laugh my ass off.) Exploding Dog (Not what it sounds like, I promise.) Red Sox Fans are Crazy My Current Musical Obsession (Listening to In Field & Town) Enjoy everyone! Labels: all about me, Check This Out, random |
As you all know, I participated in the Wee Tiny Sock Swap, and got a lovely spring Christmas surprise. Sadly, I had horribly failed to take pictures of the socks I sent out. Yes, socks, plural! my test sock, knit out of Cherry Tree Hill Super Sock, was so perfect for J.P., I had to send it to him. Here's the picture I snagged from him: By the looks of it, the card and everything barely made it there! I'm glad he got it okay, though. If you want to read about it from his end, here's his blog post about it. The second sock I made was for my pal in the swap. I knit it out of the hand dyed sock yarn I received in the Dye-O-Rama swap. Here's the picture I borrowed from her: Cute, huh? Here's her blog post about my sock, and tons of others. I really loved making the wee tiny socks. They're totally fun! I kind of miss this little guys. I know they're happy in their new homes, though. So I guess it's okay. See you all tomorrow, as always. |
Casey, Ravelry's code monkey, recently posted a Current Top 100 Yarns, by both projects and stash. The meme goes like this: Out of the top 50 yarns on Ravelry (by number of projects): Bold the ones you’ve used and would use again, and italicize the ones you’ve never tried, but would like to. Add comments as desired, and then pass the meme along to 5 knitters/crocheters. Link back to this post and the person who tagged you. Here goes: Top 50 yarns (ranked by # of projects) 1, Cascade 220 Wool, 11967 projects2, Patons Classic Wool Merino, 10445 projects 3, Malabrigo Yarn Merino Worsted, 8421 projects 4, Noro Kureyon, 7947 projects 5, Caron Simply Soft, 7914 projects 6, Lily Sugar’n Cream Solid, 6864 projects 7, Brown Sheep Lamb’s Pride Worsted, 6619 projects 8, Red Heart Ltd. Super Saver Solids, 6176 projects 9, Lion Brand Wool-Ease Solid, 5554 projects 10, Noro Silk Garden, 5410 projects 11, Koigu Painter’s Palette Premium Merino (KPPPM), 5094 projects 12, Knit Picks Wool of the Andes, 5071 projects 13, Lion Brand Homespun, 4296 projects 14, Lion Brand Cotton-Ease, 4157 projects 15, Lorna’s Laces Shepherd Sock Multi, 4086 projects 16, Manos del Uruguay 100% Wool, 3989 projects 17, Brown Sheep Lamb’s Pride Bulky , 3927 projects 18, Debbie Bliss Cashmerino Aran, 3751 projects 19, Blue Moon Fiber Arts Socks that Rock - Lightweight, 3723 projects 20, Plymouth Encore Worsted, 3573 projects 21, Cascade 220 Heathers, 3422 projects 22, Lily Sugar’n Cream Ombres & Prints, 3384 projects 23, Zitron Trekking (XXL), 3348 projects 24, Patons SWS (Soy Wool Stripes), 3243 projects 25, Rowan Kidsilk Haze, 3203 projects 26, Debbie Bliss Baby Cashmerino, 2917 projects 27, Pisgah Yarn & Dyeing Co., Inc Peaches & Creme Ombres, 2658 projects 28, Brown Sheep Cotton Fleece, 2512 projects 29, Blue Moon Fiber Arts Socks that Rock - Mediumweight, 2503 projects 30, Lion Brand Wool-Ease Thick & Quick, 2489 projects 31, Pisgah Yarn & Dyeing Co., Inc Peaches & Creme Solids, 2476 projects 32, Cascade 220 Superwash, 2323 projects 33, Berroco Ultra Alpaca, 2286 projects 34, Knit Picks Swish Superwash, 2226 projects 35, Knit Picks Essential, 2149 projects 37, Colinette Jitterbug, 2090 projects 38, Lion Brand Lion Wool Solid, 2030 projects 39, Knit Picks Shine Sport, 1976 projects 40, Dale of Norway/Dalegarn Baby Ull, 1885 projects 41, Lion Brand Microspun, 1871 projects 42, Cherry Tree Hill Supersock Merino, 1863 projects 43, Knit Picks Palette, 1765 projects 44, South West Trading Company TOFUtsies, 1762 projects 45, Elsebeth Lavold Silky Wool, 1756 projects 46, Mission Falls 1824 Wool, 1725 projects 47, Rowan RYC Cashsoft DK, 1718 projects 49, Rowan Felted Tweed, 1646 projects 50, Rowan Calmer, 1571 projects There. That wasn't so hard! Although I wasn't officially tagged, I got the meme from Feather and Fan. Here's her meme post. Hopefully this'll make up for Leigh pretending she was dead so she wouldn't have to do it. You all know I don't tag, so I'm just going to guilt five of you into doing it. There. If you read that last line, and you haven't done it yet, consider yourself obligated and guilted. HA! Labels: all about me, knitting, memelicious |
When thinking of making my new hat, I pulled some inspiration from Project Spectrum: Elements. I knew I wanted a summery hat, something to wear when it scorching hot. I also wanted it to be loose fitting, so I can stay cool, but tight enough that I can tuck all my hair up into it when it starts to drive me nuts. I came up with a mesh of two hats, which I'm going to call my Sandy Beaches Hat- a little rasta, and perfect for summer:![]() I totally love this hat! Some stats for the knittahs out there: The pattern for everything but the brim is the Topi hat. The brim is from the Cabled Newsboy Hat in Stitch n' Bitch Nation. I love the brim, it was exactly what I was looking for! I used Lamb's Pride Cotton Fleece, just over half a skein, in the "Antique Lace" colorway. May I just add that this yarn is awesome? I love the way it knits up, I love to softness and sheen, and I absolutely love the drape. I'll definitely be using more of this! (I'd like to see how it handles cables, though, being mostly cotton- any of you guys out there have any experience with that?) All in all, a great knit, and I know I'll get a ton of use out of it this summer. What are your plans for summer knits? Labels: knitting, PS: Elements |
It's a cold, rainy afternoon here in Albuquerque, which is rare here. I love the smell of rain in the desert, though. Yum. today was kind of a crazy day- I had an old friend pop up online, and we talked for a while. He's like a little brother to me, and I love him dearly. he's currently serving in Afghanistan, and has five more years in the service. It was a bit of an emotional roller coaster to talk to him- great to catch up, and fun to reminisce, but I still found myself crying more than once, just out of joy to talk to him, to hear he's doing well, and also the heart ache for a close friend who's so far from his loved ones. I'll be praying for him and hoping he makes it out okay. It was a very comforting and familiar conversation, though, like we'd been talking every day, instead of having not been in touch for over two years. Some days I miss friends like this. Now, I hope none of you get me wrong here- I love all my friends dearly! It's just been a really long time since I've had a connection like that with anyone but family, and man, I miss it. I hope you all know the feeling, that type of freind: The one person you can call any time day or night to talk to about anything, the one who is always on your side, but will tell you when you're doing something stupid. The one who'll hang in there no matter what, and shares a special bond with you. Scuzzy (my nickname for him- don't ask) is one of those friends. yes, even after not talking for years. Signing off before I get all weepy again. Labels: all about me, Friends, in all seriousness |
My Ten Favorite Actors/ Actresses (in no particular order) 1. Johnny Depp 2. Angelina Jolie 3. Robert De Niro 4. Julia Stiles 5. Samuel L. Jackson 6. Jim Carrey 7. Robin Williams 8. Edward Norton 9. Russel Crowe 10. Maggie Gyllenhaal Labels: all about me, memelicious, Ten on Tuesday |
300th blog post! WOO! I, uh, don't really have much to say about that. I finished a hat tonight- the Topi I wanted to knit out of the Cotton Fleece. It came out great- exactly what I wanted! I've been wearing it since I finished it. More on that at a later date, though, since I like to take pictures for FO posts, and it's too late to take pictures. Yeah, this is a kind of lame post, isn't it? Instead of just ending it now and cutting my losses, I think I'll just sit here blankly with the uncomfortable "silence". Okay, that's enough of that. See ya. Labels: random |
Hey y'all. I thought I'd give you guys the answers to the movies you didn't guess on that meme I did, in case you were curious. 3. The Simpsons Movie. Friggin' hilarious! I totally loved this movie. 6. Black Sheep. Another great flick with Chris Farley and David Spade. 10. What About Bob?. This movie rocks my face off. Go see it, if you haven't! Alrighty, I'm off to watch a movie with the Hubbster and do a bit of knitting. The mojo has made a bit of return, with much pleading, begging, bribing, and finally, forcing. Progress pics soon! I Hope you all had a great weekend! Labels: memelicious |
Tonight for our little gaming group, I made these wonderful Curried Chicken Salad Sandwiches. (We served ours on whole wheat flat bread.) It was super yummy! I also made this peach cobbler, which failed miserably. I'll try it again and see if I can get it to work. Another great, suspenseful, and slightly creepy gaming session. I don't know if I've told you guys, but we're playing a Serenity role playing game. The world is a blast, and Erin is a great GM! My intuition (I have a good gut for these things) tells me the next session will be a crazy one... Too tired to blog much else. See you tomorrow! |
Yesterday I received my sock from my Wee tiny Sock Swap pal. I wasn't quite expecting a wee bit of Christmas, but it was gladly welcomed! Christmas is definitely my favorite time of year: Inside my Christmas card was a lovely message and my wee tiny sock: I totally love it! It's going to be a cherished ornament. You know, this is the first thing that's ever been knit for me? I'm totally stoked. (You know, guys, you can send me hand knits any time. Really.) My pal hand-dyed this yarn last Christmas for her sister, so it makes it even more special! The base yarn was Louet Pearl, for those of you who are wondering. Isn't it the cutest?! Thanks again, pal, for a special treat in the mail. I know my sock got to it's new home safe and sound, I'll let you know when she blogs and takes pictures of it. Yaay for tiny socks! |
My knitting mojo has been eluding me lately. I finished the cuff on the Aquaphobia sock, and had to frog it completely, because it was too small. since then, I've been a little blah. I think the onset of spring, too, has had something to do with it. I want to knit warm cozies like mittens and scarves, but not much use for them this time of year. Even at the Tuesday night Sn'B I had a hard time knitting. This sucks! Come back, mojo! The Hubbster said since I'm not really feeling the knitting for me, maybe I should work on some charity knits. I'm not very inspired by this, either, but did manage to crochet two super cute and way tiny preemie hats today. I think I'm going to keep doing this, and maybe start some Christmas knitting. I'm also working up some motivation to start a Topi in cotton, like I mentioned before. Send some good knitting vibes my way- I'm boooored! Labels: all about me, bitchin', knitting |
I know, I know, I'm on a yarn diet. Even the Hubbster allowed the "new yarn store" exception, though! So there. (I'm really trying to be good here. Honestly.) All of the yarn below was purchased on a first-time visit to some yarn stores all over the state. The first is from the Lavender Lamb in Corrales, just a jump over the river (♪ Her name is Rio, and she dances on the sand...♫): This is Universal Yarn Inc., Classic Shades. I love the colors, and am thinking of how to get the most out of the long color repeats. Next is some Cotton Fleece, from Unravel in Las Cruces, NM: I know, kind of boring. I wanted some light neutral color in mostly cotton to make a hat like my Topi for the summer. This fits the bill! Last (but not least): This is Lamb's Pride Worsted from Yada Yada Yarn in silver City, NM. Now, my LYS carried Lamb's Pride, but I'd never seen it in variegated colors! Hubbster encouraged me to branch out from my normal color comfort zone (I had the pink in my hand), and I got this lovely golden color. Yum! Alright, seriously. No more yarn for the stash! My stash box is overflowing, and I have two plastic shopping bags (one of them is a really BIG bag) full of yarn sitting next to it. I seriously have no need to buy more yarn! Maybe I should set some ground rules for myself: 1. Yarn can only be purchased for a gift, or to knit a gift, if nothing in the stash works. 2. Trades and swapping are okay. 3. Roving, although not technically yarn, cannot be purchased until I've spun up at least half of what I have. Alright. Let's see if I can last the rest of the year without buying yarn. The thought scares me a bit... Labels: yarn p0rn |
I shipped off my scarf (finally! Jeez, do I put things off too long.), all blocked and fringed and pretty, to the Knitter Project: I'll miss it, but I should get it back well before it's cold enough to wear it. I love how it came out! In other news: Today is my blogiversary! Two whole years of blogging. (I've actually been blogging a bit longer, but I'm not counting the Myspace crap.) Woo! The Ten on Tuesday today was "Ten Things You'd Fix in Your Home (If you had the Time and Money)". I live in an apartment, so not much for that list, really. So I'm just not doing it this week. Next week! Hubbster is at his first day on the new job- yaay! I'm finally getting back in my routine, and going to set some "rules" for myself. Mainly, eating well and exercising. I've got a vacation to Minnesota in about two months, and there will be beaches and pools. That means swimsuit wearing. And that means, I want to start losing weight. We'll see how it goes! The next phase of Project Spectrum: Elements starts today. The element of focus for the next two months is Earth. I've got some plans! Woo! I've got lots of great earthy colors in my stash, from great greens, to earthy neutrals, and even a bit of metallics. We'll see what this brings! Labels: all about me, knitting, PS: Elements |