Nichole D.
Albuquerque, New Mexico

I currently live in New Mexico with my boyfriend and beautiful daughter in The Retro Palace. I'm currently a student double-majoring in Cosmetology and Architectural Drafting. I spend what little free time I have knitting, crocheting, sewing, and almost any other project I have time for. I do occasionally eat and shower, but only if there is no knitting to be done.

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Thursday, November 30, 2006

A Little Help, Please?

Hey again! If you live in or around Albuquerque, and have about an hour free around one o' clock Friday afternoon, and are willing to help a fellow blogger, will you please email me? I would greatly appreciate it!

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The End...Or Is It?

Well, here I am, making my final post on the last day of NaBloPoMo. I really enjoyed posting every day. I was actually surprised that I found stuff to blog about, whether it be things that my lovely readers suggested, memes, or my own random mumblings. You guys didn't have to see what I ate for dinner once! Aren't you proud of me? This has been such a great challenge for me.

I started blogging mostly to share news with my friends and talk about being pregnant. Blogging for me has evolved so much further than that! Yes, I still like to give you all the news and talk about Joie, but I somehow have wedged my way into this huge online blogging/knitting community, and am making new friends all the time. I learned a butt load of css and html along the way. I've begun archiving my knitting here.( Who knew I would ever have enough to archive?!) I can't believe that one day I just happened to stumble upon all that is knitting and the Internet. I'm glad to be here, though! It is so much fun to make connections to people you never would have known otherwise. Bloglines is now a major part of my morning routine, and I really do enjoy reading every one of the 50 or so blogs that I am subscribed to. I hope you all have been enjoying mine as well!

Well, I have some news, but before I break that out, I thought I would share with everyone my most recent Google hits. I check these every other week or so, and I always think it's funny what comes up.

~I'm not an addict baby
~Malabrigo Scarf
~how to interchange pumkin and pumkin pie mix (I really need to fix the spelling on that post.)
~Malabrigo Velvet Grapes
~One Skein Malabrigo Scarf
~blogspot pie crust
~Control-a-Woman Remote
~"short row ribbed"
~knitting dice bags for dnd

I always have at least one hit from the dice bag. I really should put my patterns into pdf and put them on the sidebar, huh? Sometimes I get really weird stuff, too. The control-a-woman remote is a bit out there. The only reason I got a hit for that one was because in my blogroll "a ball of yarn and a remote control" comes right before "a woman obsessed". Funny! I've been getting a lot of Malabrigo hits as well, which is cool, and all the more reason to put my scarf pattern up on the sidebar so it's easy to find.

Well, before this gets any longer, I have some news. For those of you who enjoy my blog, it'll be great. For those of you who are tired of reading me every day and wish I would shut up, you may be disappointed. I've joined another post-every-day-this-month thing! This one is Holidailies. I debated wither or not I wanted to, but I really liked posting every day, even though some days were crazy. I think I can do it for another month! It'll be a little weird with holiday travel and such, but I'm pretty sure I can do it. This one doesn't seem as hip or fun as NaBloPoMo, but good motivation, at least. They're not accepting wee little blurbs, either- each post mast have at least 50 words or one photo to count. They're still taking sign ups, so go check it out!


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Wednesday, November 29, 2006


I'm really at a loss as to what to blog about. Usually I can goof around on the Internet or something until I think of something good, but no go tonight. So, I'm just going to babble for a few minutes and you'll just have to deal with it, mmkay?

I just cranked out another dishcloth- I'm getting a little sick of them, to tell the truth, and I think tomorrow or maybe even tonight I'm going to start one of my few remaining Christmas knitting projects. I'm sure all of you are sick of hearing about my Christmas knitting, as am I. There are quite a few things that I would like to knit for myself, and I'm really looking forward to our Christmas vacation where I'll have some airport and flying and down time to knit for ME. Although, I really do love knitting anything, even if it is dishcloths for my grandma. It is fun to knit for people, especially when I know it is something they will like and I can proudly say I made it myself.

I'm really amazed at how far I have come in the last year with knitting. A year ago, I had finished just the one acrylic baby blanket. I now have so many different projects under my belt, and have learned so much! I braved the dpns, and now am really comfortable with them. Socks are soon to come! I've been wanting to knit up the awesome yarn that Knitpastis dyed for me in the Dye-O-Rama swap. This next year I would really like to try some Fair Isle color work and cables. I'm going to attempt the awesome fingerless glove pattern Fetching for my mom for Christmas- if they turn out a bit wonky, I'll just keep them! Although, they are pretty basic cables, and I should be able to do it. I have faith!

I would also like to dye some more yarn. I am so inspired by the colors of everything around me, from the gorgeous New Mexico sky to the bright colors in a bag of Skittles, and I would love to translate those into yarns I can knit for myself and friends and family, and maybe even someday sell. I have so many ideas swimming around in my head, I just need to get organized and start doing things! I would love to be able to make a decent amount of money dying yarn and sewing awesome needle cases and with other crafty goodness. I actually have a knitter Christmas project in the works, Maybe in the next few days I'll be able to show you and have some for purchase. Are you excited?

Well, for random babbles, I think that was pretty good. Thanks for sticking it out to the end!

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Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Dishcloth Knitting

I've been cranking out dishcloths for Christmas gifts, so I thought I would share my favorite pattern for them. This one is so simple, and you can make two dishcloths from one ball of Peaches N' Cream cotton. I'm sure this pattern can be found in multiple places, it is by no means of my own invention. Enjoy!

Knitted Dishcloth

Basic Dishcloth Pattern

Needles: US 6 straight


Cast on 4 stitches.

Increase row: knit 2, yarn over, knit to end.
Repeat this row until you ahve 44 stitches on the needle.

Decrease row: knit one, knit 2 together, yarn over, knit two together, knit to end.
Repeat this row until you only have 4 stitches remaining. Cast off.

Voila! A dishcloth! Speaking of which, I know some people are really anal about using their dishcloths for actual dirty work. I used one of mine to scrub the floor today, and I regularly use them for counter clean up. Does this make me a bad person? I mean, they're just so much more durable than other rags and stuff. Plus, they only take about 3 or 4 solid knitting hours, and they cost about 80 cents a piece. Should I really save them just for wiping off things that are nearly clean? I think not.

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Monday, November 27, 2006

Sorry, Elmo.

Two of your friends may have been harmed in the making of these scarves. Nonetheless, two young girls will be absolutely tickled to receive them as Christmas gifts. Here are the two Muppet Murder Scarves, one in hot pink and one in bright purple. This is also my one allotted fun fur post for the year.

muppet murder scarves

These were so easy to make. I used one skein for each scarf. I cast on 15 stitches and just knit until I ran out of "yarn". They are the perfect size for a little girl- if for some ungodly reason you would like to make one for yourself, I would get two skeins.

I still need needles for more Christmas knitting, so I've been working on more dishcloths that will go out as Christmas gifts, as well. I recently discovered that I can knit dishcloths without even looking at it while I knit, so they are my new favorite TV knitting item. I think I'm going to go to Hobby Lobby today and get some needles, though. Christmas is right around the corner now!

In other news, you should go check out Stitchy McYarnpants if you haven't already. Especially funny for knitters, but good clean fun for everyone! The most recent post is positively creepy.

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Sunday, November 26, 2006

I Promise

This will make you laugh. If it doesn't, you are either both blind and deaf (if that is the case, how would you read my blog anyways?) or a heartless bastard. C'mon. You know you want to. It's worth it, I promise!

I promise, also, that tomorrow my blog will be less lame and I'll have pictures of dead muppets.(Not really. Close, though...)

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Saturday, November 25, 2006


Worked this morning, just got home. I'm a bit tired. We're about to go up Santa Fe to do nerdy things and chill for a bit. More working tomorrow. Blah. Sorry, that's all you get today.

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Friday, November 24, 2006

An Alphabet Meme

So, here's another meme that I think I made up. Don't take my word for it, though. I didn't really check. Anyways, what I did was type in all the letters of the alphabet, one at a time, into my little search bar up top there. (See it? right there.) Here's the first word or phrase that popped up for the auto-complete function. I know, kind of lame, but whatever. It could be worse!

Albuquerque civil ceremony
Blog idea
Day of the Dead
Embroidery tutorial
Fragile Things
Graphics interchange
Halloween blog image
I can't believe pandamonium!
J- I got nothing.
Knit cthulhu
Matte black razr application error
Nancy Drew Game
O- Nada!
PNG images
Q-again with the nothing.
Razr application error
Sandra Bennett
Tazo Calm
U- empty.
V- two in a row!
Wacom Mouse
X- yeah right.
Y- possible, but not in my world.

Yeah, I know it was kind of lame. At least I provided some strange insight into my life, right? I know you were all curious.

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Thursday, November 23, 2006


So, for whatever reason, the craphole that is Blogger Beta decided to switch how they do their feeds. So, for all of you out there who are subscribed to my site through bloglines or some other nifty notifier, you have to click here and subscribe to the url that comes up. That is my new feed. Make sure to read all the posts you've missed bacause of wonky Blogger Beta. If you want to do it another time, just find the little guy that tells you how over in the "Who I Am" section on my right sidebar. This really pisses me off, by the way. I think Blogger Beta sucks nuts. Seriously, it has taken me all week just to adjust everything and get it working properly.(Erin, when you're ready to switch over, give me a holler, because you're template is based off of mine. )

Hope you all have a very happy Thanksgiving!

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

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Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Pumpkin Cheesecake

First off, I want to apologize for minor blog wonkiness. I've finally fixed the permalink issue, but not sure if my feeds are working (they haven't been since I switched to beta) and I need to make a few adjustments, as you can probably tell. At least they are minor things like text size and that crap.

With Thanksgiving being tomorrow and Christmas around the corner, I thought I would share my favorite holiday dessert recipe for pumpkin cheesecake. It is super yummy, and really easy to make.

Pumkin Cheesecake


16 ounces of softened cream cheese
1/2 C. Sugar
1/2 tsp. vanilla extract
2 eggs
1/2 C. canned pumkin
1/2 tsp. each of cinnamon, ground cloves, and ground nutmeg
One 6 ounce pie crust

First off, make sure the cream cheese is softened. Just let it sit on the counter for about an hour. If it isn't softened, then you'll get little cream cheese chunks in it and it won't look as nice. Next, preheat your oven to 350 degrees F. Cream together the cream cheese, sugar, and vanilla until smooth. Add the remaining ingredients and blend well- it should be smooth and creamy with no creame cheese lumpies. Pour into pie crust (I like to use a big measuring scoop so as not to make such a huge mess). Make sure to save the plastic liner from the pie crust- when the pies are all finished, you can take off the label and sticky glue crap, and use it as a lid. Just flip it upside-down and pinch the pie tin edges over it- voila! Easy to transport!I find that it doesn't all fit into the pie crust- that's okay! You don't want it overflowing. Put it in the oven for about 45 minutes, or until the center is set. This means that when you pull it out with some hot pads and give it a little shake, the center doesn't wiggle like it is still wet. It'll jiggle a little- kind of like set jello. Cool and refridgerate until serving. This recipe is really easy to double, as well!

If you're not afraid of eating raw eggs, you can lick the spoon and eat the leftover filling like decadent pudding.


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Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Blog Problems

So, I switched over to Blogger Beta a few days before I had finished my new design. Thankfully, they let you still use the old template style, because the new one is all full of widgets and absolutes and other weird things that I don't understand. (I guess it's some weird server code or something stupid like that.) Well, folks, all is not coming up roses here. for whatever reason, Blogger decided that in their beta version, each post page would be it's very own website. (the post page would be the one that displays just the post you want to see and none of the others.) This has been my major headache for two days now. For whatever reason, when you click the link that takes you to the post page from my main blog site, it fucks all of the layout up and stacks it instead of setting it up all pretty side by side. so far, the only thing I have been able to fix is to put the sidebars in the right place, but then the whole body of the post disappears. This really sucks, folks. I may just break down and figure out all the mumbo jumbo that is Blogger Beta.

Moving right along, I finished the Pink Muppet Murder Scarf and now am cranking out the purple one. The knitting is easy and fairly mindless (Fun Fur can be tricky!) so hopefully this one will be done in a few days as well, and then I can move on to other knitting goodness. Once I get this one done, I'll post pictures of both of them together. I don't think I can allow more than one post a year that involves pictures of Fun Fur. Once these are done, I have just a few dwindling Super Secret Christmas Gifts that I need to get needles for. Very do-able in the next month. Yaay! I may have time to knit for myself before Christmas!

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Monday, November 20, 2006


I finally got everything just the way I wanted it! Unfortunately, I was up until about 3 this morning trying to figure out the problem, with no success. It only took me about an hour after I woke up this morning to get it fixed. Lesson learned: adequate sleep does wonders for thinking. For those of you who were curious, I was having trouble with my table opacity causing everything inside the table to be become semi-transparent as well. Text wasn't a big issue, but I didn't like seeing my background through pictures I had posted. The problem was easily solved by taking out the opacity commands and just replacing the background with a semi-transparent PNG! Cool, huh?

Last night's meeting was even more suckage than I had anticipated. Plus, my boss said I couldn't knit because it would be "distracting to others". C'mon, what's distracting about hot pink Fun Fur?! At any rate, I'm planning to work on it as soon as I am done blogging, hopefully I can finish it today. I'm going to do one for her slightly older sister, too, but in bright purple. I would just like to state for the record I am really proud of my Christmas Knitting progress this year.

I stumbled upon this somehow, and it's kind of cute and fun, so go check it out!

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Sunday, November 19, 2006

Knitting and Stuff

Today at work I practically accosted a customer because she was wearing a hand-knit poncho-wrap thingy made from Noro. Apparently, she didn't mind, and we had a nice chat about knitting and how it sucks that Malabrigo is only available in Taos. The poncho-esque garment was actuatlly really cue, and would be super easy to make. I think I know where Christmas cash may be headed.

I have to go back to work in a little bit for a staff meeting. I'm going to be hopeful and bring my knitting, and hope that if I explain to my boss that it's only garter stitch and I can pay perfect attention, I can knit through it. (Side note: just because I will be capable of providing devoted attention while knitting doesn't mean I will. Most likely, I won't. Staff meetings are teh suck.) So, maybe I'll be able to finish the scarf for my little cousin. I've nicknamed this scarf the Muppet Murder Scarf. For those of you unfamiliar with Fun Fur, you'll know why when I post a picture of it. Although, you may be getting a clear image already.

I've been trying to get my new blog design to work properly, and it isn't cooperating, so you'll just have to wait a bit longer. Sorry. It'll be well worth it, I promise! Maybe tomorrow I can get it to work how I want it to, since I'll have all day to play with it. keep your fingers crossed!

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Saturday, November 18, 2006

Joie Eating Spaghetti

I'm pretty tired- another long day at work, and another ahead of me tomorrow. Instead of going in at 11 like I originally thought, I have to open at eight. I'm not sure if I misread the schedule or what, but either way, it kind of sucks. My tired brain is unable to create anything that is intelligent or remotely interesting, so here are some pictures of Joie eating her first spaghetti. It's of the pre-made baby variety, so more messy than regular spaghetti. Either way, adorable baby + messy food = CUTE!

<span onclick=

<span onclick=

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Friday, November 17, 2006

The Fridge Meme

On another note, I just did a google search for "fridge meme" and I am so shocked at how many people have done it! I am so proud of my idea. I should start memes more often! Maybe tomorrow I'll check out all the fridges.

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With 15 Minutes to Spare

I barely made it home to blog today! I just got home from work. We had a l ong day. We were up at 8:30, and spent most of the day downtown, trying to get married. We got our marriage certificate, but it's not official yet. Hopefully soon. I had to work at five, and we got home from being out around four. So, a long day. I apologize for another lame post, but I have to be to work at nine tomorrow, and am ready for bed. See ya!

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Thursday, November 16, 2006

The Fridge Meme

No, you have not seen this one anywhere before, because I invented it. Yep. That's right. Me. I invented a meme. I don't really think anyone else will do it, but it at least gives me something to post here when my brain won't work. So! The rules of the meme are simple. Take a picture of the front of your fridge. If you want to, go into detail about what is on it- you don't have to detail everything, but maybe a few key things. Post said picture on your blog. If you're really brave, you can even take a picture of the inside. I, sadly, am not that brave. You can click on the picture to see the annotated version with witty and fun details about my fridge goodies.


In knitterly news, I started a scarf for my youngest cousin in hot pink Fun Fur. She's about four, so it'll be right up her alley. Plus, I had a little more than a ball left in my stash (don't ask) and I need new needles for remaining Christmas gifts. On size 11 needles, it's going pretty quick. Hopefully in a day or two I'll have it finished.

In other news, I've decided to revamp the blog. I've been playing a lot with other people's blogs- Erin's in done, go check it out- and I've been helping James make a cool photo blog that should be done soon. All the fun playing with fonts and html made me want to do some of my own, so I have been working on it most of the day. Hopefully mine will be all shiny and new in a few days, too!

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Wednesday, November 15, 2006

That One Word Meme

I've seen this a few places around. The rules are that you can only answer with one word- no explinations! So here goes.

1. Yourself: Tired
2. Your boyfriend/girlfriend (spouse): Working
3. Your hair: greasy
4. Your mother: dentist
5. Your Father: blah
6. Your Favorite Item: none
7. Your dream last night: unsure
8. Your Favorite drink: eggnog
9. Your Dream Car: mustang
10. The room you are in: quiet
11. Your Ex: immature
12. Your fear: bats
13. What you want to be in 10 years? happy
14. Who you hung out with last night? Family
15. What You’re Not? unhappy
16. Muffins: restricted
17. One of Your Wish List Items: money
18. Time: afternoon
19. The Last Thing You Did: dishes
20. What You Are Wearing: black
21. Your Favorite Weather: autumn
22. Your Favorite Book: Narnia
23. The Last Thing You Ate: Triscuit
24. Your Life: busy
25. Your Mood: great
27. What are you thinking about right now? this
28. Your car: Kia
29. What are you doing at the moment? typing
30. Your summer: quick
31. Your relationship status: engaged
32. What is on your TV? shit
33. What is the weather like? brisk
34. When is the last time you laughed? sister

Whew! That was harder than I thought it would be. Give it a try!

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Tuesday, November 14, 2006

My Obsession

I know I've stated in the past that I'm addicted to notecards. Well, friends, that is too true. I can hardly resist. I have to look at them everywhere I can find them. Most times, I'll buy them. I currently have more than I think I could send before I turn 40. Does that stop me from buying more? Sure doesn't. James claims that I once told him to not let me buy anymore. Clearly, I was not in my right mind, so said statement is dismissed by reason of temporary insanity. I buy a lot of them from the dollar bins at Michael's. That is by far my favorite place to get them, because it's so cheap. The dollar stores occasionally have some good ones. I really covet the great ones you see in bookstores and at Target, but since those are quite a bit pricier, I tend to hold off on those. I love it when I have an excuse to send a card for any reason. Sometimes I even make them up. To document to craziness, here's a picture of most of my notecards.

Notecard Collection

Here are my favorites out of the bunch:

My Favorites

These are some of the new additions for the upcoming holidays. (I also have some snowmen and another sparkly one.)

Christmas Additions

You are all free to send me notecards at any time, I will gladly divulge my address. So, there it is. Actual documentation of my obsession. The really sick part is I took almost 50 pictures to lovingly capture these three shots of my collection. Plus I took the time to edit them in Photoshop. I know, I'm sick. I'm going to see if I can find some notecards on eBay.

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Monday, November 13, 2006

The Albuquerque Aquarium

Last Friday, James and I took Joie to the Albuquerque Aquarium. It was really cool! I had never been, and James hadn't gone in a long time. Joie was so fun to watch- She was completely enthralled by the fish. It was a lot of fun for all of us, and actually pretty reasonable in price. The fish and sharks were cool, but by far my favorites were the rays and the jellyfish. They has some of the biggest rays I had ever seen, and a huge tank full of jellyfish, just floating around. I'd never seen live jellyfish, so that was definitely cool! Towards the end of the aquarium, they have a huge window into a tank that covers an entire wall, floor to ceiling. We could have sat there and watched the fish and sharks and turtles for hours. Joie had a blast here, too, because she could stand against the window and check out all the action. We all had a ton of fun, and will definitely be going back.

Joie at the Aquarium

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Sunday, November 12, 2006


You don't even have to read it if you don't want to. I would recommend moving on to the blogs that may have more happy, interesting posts that won't be filled with spelling and punctuation mistakes. If you do choose to read on, remember, I told you so.

I am pretty tired. I didn't get to bed until about three this morning. Joie woke me up at about 7:30, and by the time I got her fed and happy, I had to get ready to go to work. I worked a 5 hour shift- not usually a big deal, but I was tired and sick and it was busy and I really didn't want to be there. It was a rough weekend for me. With all my working (even though not more than usual), I really missed my family and wish I could have spent the weekend relaxing at home and hanging out with them. Sometimes I regret starting a new job, because I don't know if the money is really worth missing so much quality time with James and Joie. I really do miss them when I'm at work, and all of the sudden it is Sunday night and she's asleep and James has to start his work week tomorrow. It kind of sucks. At any rate, I'm going to quit bitching and do something else. I'll try to produce a better post tomorrow.

*Hopefully this works! For those of you who subscribe to my blog, you may have noticed a lack of posts. Switching to Blogger Beta has changed the url for my feed! You can find it in my right sidebar in the "Who I Am " section. Just click on the link for "atom", copy that url, and paste it in wherever you paste your url to subscribe. I'm hoping you can see this because it was a pre-beta post....*

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Saturday, November 11, 2006

I Really Hate Thinking of Relevant and Witty Things to Type Here.

Well, since I'm a bit crunched on time today, I was looking for something quick to do but more meaningful than "this is my post for the day", and I stumbled across The Saturday Six. Like I said, I'm crunched for time, so here we go!

1. On a scale of one to ten, with ten being very pleased/enthusiastic and one being very unhappy/depressed, how would you rate your feelings on Democrats taking control of Congress? About a three.

2. The Democrats have been, naturally, very critical of the Bush administration and the course the country has taken. How effectively do you believe that they can turn things around by the 2008 election? I never said I think they can. I'm a republican, and although not a hardcore one, still on that siade of the fence.

3. What would you rather have for breakfast: a) Ham & eggs with toast b) Grits and sausage c) Pancakes and Syrup I'm answering this from a non-dieting perspective. C.

4. Take the quiz: Are you too negative?

Are you too negative?

Way Positive
You're a complete ray of sunshine that shines down on those around you. You're totally able, volunteer for even the more daunting tasks in life, and can always see the positive side of things. Some people call you hoplessly optimistic, but really your positive attitude makes much of what you do possible. Where other scoff, you merely take your way of life in stride and
Take The Quiz Now!Quizzes by

5. How likely are you to change your view of things based on your answer? Not very likely. I don't think I really am "way positive", but I do try to have a good outlook on things most of the time.

6. You are serving as a juror in a murder trial. The defense team is claiming that a woman killed her own child while insane. As a juror, would you consider it critical information to know how soon she might be "back on the street" if found Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity, or would this have no bearing on your verdict? Well, I'm pretty sure that most people who go to a criminal hospital stay there for most of their lives. So, no, I don't think I would really need to know. Besides, any woman that kills her child is fucked up in the head. Seriously.

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Friday, November 10, 2006

Another One Bites the Dust

I'm not sure if that it the right title for this post, but my creative juices are dwindling today, so that's what you get. I finished the MalaBrigo scarf for James' sister. I really liked the way it turned out! I'm going to block it and hopefully that will open up the eyelets a little bit and keep the edges for rolling. The colorway is Blue Surf, and it is such a pretty color. The veregiations are really subtle. I wish I liked blue better, and it was more of my color, but oh well. Here are some pictures of the finished scarf.

Blue Surf Malabrigo Scarf 2

Blue Surf Malabrigo Scarf

The pattern was really easy, and worked out great with the Malabrigo, although I'm sure it would look great in any weight yarn. So here's the pattern, play with it!

Needles: US 11
Gauge: Doesn't matter

Make Knot (abbr. MK)- purl 3 stitches together without sliding off the needle. Yarn over, then purl the same three stitches together again, slide all three stitches off the needle.

Cast on 22 stitches(more or less if you would like it wider/thinner- make sure you stay in a multiple of 3 stitches plus one.)

Row 1 and and all odd rows: Knit.
Row 2: MK, repeat until last stitch, purl.
Row 4: Purl 2, *MK, repeat until last 2 stitches*, purl 2.
Row 6: Purl 1, *MK, repeat until end.

Repeat these 6 rows until scarf is desired length.

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Thursday, November 09, 2006

A Meme

I found this one over at Lydsey-Jane's blog. Enjoy!

1. Flip to page 18, paragraph 4 in the book closest to you right now, what does it say? As the plane took off he fell asleep. (From American Gods by Neil Gaiman)
2. If you stretch out your left arm - as far as possible, what are you touching? Joie's highchair
3. What’s the last program you watched on tv? Half of America's Next Top Model
4. Without looking, guess what time it is. 9:52 (I was way off. It's 11:33. I somehow forgot I slept until 10. Oh well.)
5. Except the computer, what can you hear right now? Joie causing trouble and babbling to herself about taking over the world by pulling books off the shelves.
6. When was the last time you were outside and what did you do? I went outside to smoke this morning.
7. What are you wearing? Grey comfy pants and my green Flogging Molly T-shirt.
8. Did you dream last night? If you did, what about? I'm sure I did, but I don't recall anything.
9. When was the last time you laughed? Reading my morning blogs- Coffee Crochet almost always makes me laugh.
10. What’s on the walls, in the room you’re in right now? A few pictures and paintings, a clock.
11. Have you seen anything strange lately? Hmmm, I don't think so...
12. What do you think about this meme? I think it's odd. But then again, that's why I chose to do it.
13. What’s the last film you saw? Finding Neverland.
14. If you became a multimillionaire, what would you do with the money? Buy the shop James works at, set up a college fund for the kid, buy a house, live comfortably, buy everyone presents, open a coffeeshop.
15. Tell us something about yourself that most people don't know. I don't have a bellybutton. Just kidding. My middle name is Goldie.
16. If you could change ONE THING in this world, without regarding politics or
bad guilt, what
would it be? I don't think children anywhere should suffer just because their family is poor.
17. Do you like dancing? Sure. I like to watch it more than do it, though. James and I hope to someday take dancing lessons.
18. George Bush? Yep. Are you surprised?
19. What do you want your children’s names to be, girl/boy? If we have another girl, it will be Lani Ruth. If we have a boy, I like Micah James.
20. Would you ever consider living abroad? No, probably not.
21. What do you want God to tell you, when you come to heaven? I don't know. I guess He'll tell me whatever he wants to tell me. I don't really like to think about being dead.
22. Who should do this meme? You should! Well, if you want to. I don't really want to force it upon anyone.

For those of you who submitted me an idea to blog about, please email me your address so I can send you stitch markers. If you don't want any, just let me know. I'm not sure who the winner is yet, but I'll let you know as soon as I decide. my email is tbtyger AT yahoo DOT com.

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Wednesday, November 08, 2006

A History of the Craft Part Two

There are a few other crafty type things I do, or would like to do. The main thing I would like to learn how to do is embroidery. I've really been inspired by Sublime Stitching. I really love her patterns, and someday soon I'll give them a try! I've already envisioned cool tea towels for the kitchen and some bitchin' little outfits for Joie. How cute would that be? I've promised myself, though, that I'm going to finish Christmas knitting before I pick up a new craft. Damn that Christmas knitting, ruining all of my fun.

Another thing I think would be cool to do is temari balls. Even though they are rather complicated, I think they are so pretty, and would make some awesome gifts for people. If you have been to the new Village Wools, they have a glass box of them by the register. Someday I'll order the books I need and try them out. Hopefully my crafty patience is up for it!

I also like paper crafts, like scrapbooking and card making. I haven't gotten too into it, mostly because scrapbooking is a more expensive and very time consuming hobby. Now that Joie is here, though, I think it would be really cool to do a first year scrapbook for her. Card making is a little cheaper, but I just haven't really had the time or motivation to get into it, although I think it would be a lot of fun. Plus, that ties in nicely with my notecard obsession. (More on that in the future.)

That's pretty much it for my crafty side, although I love to create things. I love to do home decor type stuff, stitch markers (yes, someday you lovely helpers will get some), and all kinds of artsy type things. There are so many cool things that you can do with so many different kinds of stuff. I love to go to the craft stores and just get inspired, although it has been a while since I have had the time or the finances to really do that. Plus, that freakin' Christmas knitting is holding me back. Must finish Christmas knitting... Must finish Christmas knitting...

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Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Weird Dream

I had the weirdest dream this morning! It was one of those dreams where you wake up and don't feel rested at all. I was just glad it was over. For once, I was actually glad to wake up because Joie was crying. Seriously. I thanked her. Here is what I can remember of it. So this makes a little more sense, I'm letting you know that we got a note on our door yesterday saying they are starting to paint the exterior of our building, and will need to open the front door to paint it properly. They also are painting the balcony railing, but I don't think they come in to do that.

In my dream, there were four painters, two girls and two guys, and they had all come inside while I was sleeping. I woke up, and walked out to the living room. Three of them were just standing around and laughing, and one was painting the balcony. I thought it was kind of weird, but just asked when they would be done. They said they were leaving soon. The guy on the balcony had finished painting the railing, and brought in this cool wooden bench we have out there, and set it on the floor by the door. One of the girls walked to their truck and brought up another can of what looked like paint. I told her not to paint my bench, and she said not to worry. So I walked over to the front door, and noticed that the paint job really sucked, and they had gotten paint all over the floor. Now I was a bit pissed. So I walk back into the living room to say something, and she is coating my bench in something from the can. I asked her what she was doing, and she said it was varnish, that it would look nicer. It smelled really strong, and she was putting it on so heavily that it was dripping all over the carpet. The other girl was also now smoking in my kitchen. I then noticed that everything wood in the apartment had this thick, shiny, goopy coat of varnish on it, as well as the floor surrounding said furniture. Now I was really pissed, so I kicked them out. I walked out to the balcony to have a cigarette, and noticed the little table out there was also varnished, and everything (cigarettes, ashtray, etc) was gone off the top of it. So I looked in the cabinet part underneath the table, and they were gone. Now I was livid. They stole my cigarettes! I went inside to get the phone to call the apartment management, and the phone was sitting on the counter. I picked it up, and it was on. It sounded like what I imagine it would sound like if you called time and date for Mexico. I tried to hang up, but the buttons were all stuck, so I unplugged to phone and went to use my cell phone. I found my cell phone, happy they hadn't taken it. I quickly discovered that they had turned the internet on, though, which costs me a bundle. I turned it off and called the office, but they had all left early to vote, and wouldn't be back tomorrow. I picked up Joie (I have no clue where she was this whole time. I'm assuming in her crib) so we could go to the store, because I really wanted to smoke now. I was looking through my purse, and I checked for all of my credit cards, and on first check they were there, but when I looked closer, they had all been replaced with fake ones. Although, somehow, there was more cash in my wallet than had been there. I started to frantically look through the house for what else had been stolen, and they had taken out the laser screens (don't ask me, man. I was unconscious) from our printer and scanner. I think some other silly things were missing, but seriously I don't remember. I was now crying and really upset and just wanted to go to the store, and that's when Joie woke me up.

Isn't that crazy? I was so pissed when I woke up, and it took me a while to realize it was a dream. I was trying to remember the faces of the painters, and the only one I could come up with was this chick.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

She was the one smoking in my kitchen. The only reason I can think of for her to pop into my dream is that I don't really like her, and she is on one of the shows James and I watch regularly. Heroes, if you're curious. So, that was my really weird dream this morning.

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Monday, November 06, 2006

A History of the Craft Part One

I thought I would let you all in on how I became the Craft Mistress I have become. Before I start, though, I would like to say thanks to Sara for a wonderful idea to blog about!

I have always been creative, spending a lot of time in my youth with crayons, homemade paper mache, siczzors, glue, string, pretty much anything I could get my hands on and mold into something different. When I was about nine, my mom taught me how to do counted cross-stitch. I made a few ornaments, and even designed a Ninja Turtle for my little brother. I did a lot of it, and got better and better, my crowning achievement to date being an angel I did for my mom for Christmas a few years ago. It has been a while since I've done it, much less finished anything, but I do like to do it. I just with there were cooler designs and something to with them besides baby items, tea towels, and framed hangings.

I sew quite a bit, too. This was the natural progression from cross-stitch. Or, at least in my mind it was. My mom sewed a lot as well, and made me and my siblings numerous outfits when we were younger. I've done one quilt- a Mother's Day quilt for my mom a few years ago. It was small, lap size, and very basic- just squares and pre-bought quilted backing. I did do some little yarn tails at the square corners, though. With beautiful quilt patterns like these, though, it is something I would love to try again. I have also sewn a lot of clothes for Joie, a few Halloween costumes, a handful of purses, and I'm sure lots of other things that don't come to mind. I really enjoy the quickness of sewing, and how you can finish a small project in just a few hours.

When I was about 18, I picked up knitting. My Grandma knits, but I had never asked to learn, nor had she ever offered to teach me. So I picked up one of those kits to teach myself knitting, a skein of some baby blue Red Heart, and started a garter stitch scarf. I was using size 6 needles, knit about 4 inches, got frustrated trying to purl, and gave it up. When I got pregnant, I decided I wanted to knit a baby blanket. I picked up some more Red Heart, the needles I needed, and started a basket weave blanket. It was the very first knitted project I had ever finished! I was very proud. It took me forever. I even made matching baby booties. Sadly, since then, the blanket has sat in a box in the closet, because I hate to have my daughter endure such scratchy acrylic. Although, she has worn the booties.

My First Project

Being a left-handed knitter has proved challenging, as almost every pattern, stitch instruction, and chart is written for right handers. I can usually reverse directions easily. Most things, I don't have to. There are a few things that are effected if left unchanged, though, such as cable directions and such. Since the baby blanket, I have at least gone for the soft acrylics when I use them, expanded my collection of knitting needles, acquired some stash, and have a list of patterns I want to knit a mile long.Things I haven't tried yet, but will soon, include color work, cables, and socks. I sure have come a long way in under two years!

Crocheting is another fibery hobby I have recently picked up. I think it is a ton easier than knitting. Many knitters who try to learn it after they have been knitting don't like it as much, but I think it is great, because the stitches have such a different look than their knitted cousins. The downside, though, is that there aren't as many cool patterns out there for crochet. With the help of Debbie Stoller (author of both Stitch N' Bitch books plus Stitch N' Bitch Crochet) and the online mag Crochet Me, there are a handful of rockin' crochet patterns out there. I've crocheted a scarf and a hat, a few dishclothes, and am working on a wrap. I'm sure there will be more in my future. Although, not a much as knitting.

Stay tuned for Part Two!

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Sunday, November 05, 2006

Like a Stick in the Eye

This post is going to be all about the things that annoy me. I'm sure these things annoy lots of other people, but I just thought I would share.

~ People who drive with thier turn signal on
~Stepping in something gross
~Running out of toilet paper
~Neighbors who to listen to their hip-hop shit at 3 am
~Little yippy dogs
~Any animal that jumps up on you or humps things uncontrollably
~Being put on hold
~People who walk or drive really slow in front of me when I'm in a hurry
~When someone farts in public and I walk into the stank cloud
~Unintentional slipped stitches
~Finding something gross in the bottom of the drink I just finished
~Floaties in my drinks
~When I want some ice and there is only one cube left in both trays.
~People who talk really loudly on their cellphones

I actually have a nice little story to go along with this one. I was at work today, minding my own business and shelving some books. I was working next to the seating area for the cafe, which had a good amount of people in it. There was one lady who was talking on her cellphone really loudly. Here is a snippet of what I heard.

"Oh my god! Like, I was voting, and like, we switched to this stupid paper system, and like, I had to fill in all these stupid little dots, and like, I had to wait almost two hours to vote. Two hours! Like, isn't that so stupid? Yeah. And plus, it was like really hot in there, and I had to stand in a hallway. I know! Oh my God it sucked sooo much!"

Yeah. And she was talking really loudly. Everyone in the cafe was looking at her funny. Annoying, yes?

~ Customers who don't put their books back in the right places

This is a new one. Why, oh WHY do people pick up a book, look at it without moving an inch from their current position, and then SET IT DOWN SOMEWHERE ELSE? Honestly. We're bookstore employees, not your mothers. Clean up your own mess. People who do this are fuckwads. That is all.

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Saturday, November 04, 2006

Ugh. Work.

Had to work early today. I was in at nine, and worked until almost four. I usually work in the cafe, but I picked up some hours and have been helping with organizing and shelving books. It is fun, but stressful in a lot of ways also. We have stacks of boxes, and my job is to open them and find a place to put the books. The reason this proves difficult is because shelf space is severly limited, so I have to be pretty creative about finding room for books. All the heavy lifting and standing all day make for one sore mama when I get home. Today is definitely no exception! My back and feet hurt. The worst part is I have to work an eight hour shift tomorrow, doing the same thing. Plus, I have to be in at seven. Which sucks. It is kind of rough working long days on the weekend, because what I would really love to be doing is relaxing at home with James and Joie. Ah, the things we do for money. I guess I could be doing worse things to earn a living... Anywho.

It appears that James may have broken his toe rushing to get the phone when I called earlier. It's all swollen and he says it hurts pretty badly. I feel bad- I've never broken a toe, but I've broken fingers, and it's no fun. Hopefully some ice and pills and relaxing will help it be better by Monday when he has to work. I feel bad though. Send him some good thoughts, would ya?

I think I'm off to take a long soak in a hot tub, and then off to bed. I've got an early morning tomorrow.

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Friday, November 03, 2006

Knitterly Content

First of all, I would like to say thanks to everyone who has given me an idea to blog about. I'm sure in the next few weeks those blog topics will come in handy when I've run out of things to say and haven't made any knitting progress. Not today, though! I started the scarf for James' sister using this lovely Malabrigo (surprise surprise) in Blue Surf.

Blue Surf Malabrigo

I decided that I wanted to try this in a different stitch pattern than the one used for "My So-Called Scarf", so I flipped through my handy 365 Knitting Stitches a Year Calendar and found one I really liked. I decided on the Diagonal Knot Stitch, because it is really pretty and very simple. The knitting is going really quickly! Here is my progress so far.

Malabrigo Blue Surf Scarf

The pattern is really simple, and once I double check the whole copyright junk, I'll post the pattern for anyone who wants it. I should be okay on the copyright thing though, because it is just a stitch pattern, right?

In more knitting news, the Super Secret Spy Gift is almost completely finished. The knitting part of it is done, and so are all the little tedious things, like weaving in the ends and stuff. I'll take pictures to show you after said gift is received. Now all it needs is a nice bath and a little bit of fancifulness added, and it will be ready to be wrapped and gifted. I think this one deserves to move into the Finished Objects, so off I go to put it there.

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Thursday, November 02, 2006

An Act of Desperation

Apparently, the draw of possibly winning a box of goodies was not enough for some of you to leave me a blogging idea, so I've decided that everyone who leaves me a suggestion will get some awesome hand-made swanky stitch markers! There. Does that motivate you? Seriously, I'm desperate for some bloggy ideas. Sure I have a few of my own, but nowhere near 29 more. So if you haven't already, leave a suggestion. Tell your friends that just for leaving a comment with a post idea, they can get there very own swanky stitch markers. My favorite will still get a lovely parcel with more goodies. (Heh heh. Parcel. How very British of me.) And, seriously, you can leave me any idea that pops into your little head. Questions. Topics. Bizarre stuff. Picture ideas. Product reviews of things I already own. Anything! So go now, my little bloglettes, and spread the word. Free stitch markers for all!!

P.S. An actual blog post with some knitterly content will be here later today, I think. For sure by tomorrow. But probably later today. I'm off to the craft store. I need supplies for mounds of stitch markers.

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Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Halloween Costume and Knitterly News

I thought I would share my Halloween costume with everyone. It didn't see much action- I wore it to work last night, and it was only a two hour shift and the store was dead. Ah well- I still got my name in the hat for a goodie basket from work. Anyways, here it is. I was a teabag. No perverted jokes, mmkay?


It's not really a great picture of me, but there ya go. You can't really tell in the picture, but the skirt has a layer of meshy fabric over it to enhance the look of it all. It was pretty easy to whip together, and I got a good reaction from the coworkers, so I guess that's good. I just want prizes, really.

In knitterly news, my Super Secret Spy Gift is almost complete! I have to knit one more row, cast off, and weave in some ends and make some pretties on it and give it a dip in some washy stuff, and It'll be lovingly shoved into my Box of Christmas Gifts until it's time to pull it out and wrap it up. I'm actually quite pleased with how quickly the knit went, and it makes me hopeful that I actually will finish all the knitted gifts I want to give for Christmas. Keep your fingers crossed for me!

Keep those great blog ideas coming, too! Feel free to submit more than one if the mood strikes you. Remember, there's goodies involved!! I'll see you all tomorrow...

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